Thursday 2 December 2010

The Age of Escapism

Forgive my grumpy old man cynicism, but I think that the increasing attacks on the essence of ancient realities such as: the accuracy of historical facts (people without hindsight often lack foresight and are therefore more easily manipulated) marriage as defined over the last few millenia  (a lifelong commitment to the one person with whom one can raise a family which embraces eternal values as well as how to live a contributory and full now life) the illegality of drugs (so that the irresponsible can 'party' without running the risk of earning a police record), 'carbon credits' (so that the rich can preach living with constraint, but don't actually have to live it)...amongst the many other 'evolved' ways of thinking are actually hallmarks of a culture living out its declining years rather than the peak of human development as the Darwinists would have us believe. Archaeological evidence indicates that so-called 'neolithic man' actually had a brain 30 percent bigger than modern man, it shows!

14/12:  Winston Churchill remarked that the further back you look the further forward you can see.

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