Saturday 4 December 2010

The secular 'truth' vs true Truth

Unfortunately the net result of the endless cycle of lies and propaganda fed to the general population by the philosophical relativists, climate fear mongers, the tribal divisionists, the millennium 'buggers', i.e. all of the post-modern 'End is Nigh ers', is that everyone becomes skeptical of everything and there is no longer any basis for believing in Truth. What might the logical consequences be of such a lack of any foundational basis for debate and consensus...Nietzsche hit the prophetic nail on the head  with his 'will to power', which is why too many of the worlds political elite will do anything or say anything to gain  power where they are then able to do what they believe to be right irrespective of what the other 'side' thinks. At street level, antipathy and ultimately violence increases as the voice of reason dwindles...welcome to Huxley's brave new world....thank the good Lord that true Truth actually does exist. Do yourself a favour and use this season of awareness to find it before the wave of cynicism breaks and drowns it out for ever. 

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