Monday 6 December 2010

Moral hypocrisy

We live day in and day out with people on the TV, at the bus stop, in the supermarket, at work and in the press, blaspheming the One whom we hold dear. We have become so used to forgiving the blasphemers that we no longer even find the blasphemy uncomfortable, and too many have become so familiar with the trend that they in fact blaspheme themselves. Of course the common retort to such a complaint is "what constitutes blasphemy' and out spill the vacuous arguments which invariably amount to little more than moral relativism and in the end we capitulate to political correctness and non-rocking boats.
Spare a prayer for the poor woman in Pakistan who faces the death penalty for 'allegedly' making a blasphemous remark. We don't even know what she said other than it was 'allegedly' disrespectful to Mohamed. She says it was payback for some other misdemeanour, but hey, even a sniff of disrespect towards mo is sufficient to have the clerics and mullahs foaming at the mouth.
And do we hear our fair-minded (ahem!) 'free' press and/or intellectual elites standing up and protesting vigorously in her defence (never mind the right to free speech)?
Not a peep! At best a mere brief reportage on the subject.
Can you imagine what would happen if this was a 'Christian' country perpetrating a like crime on a citizen?
Some brainless hillbilly 'pastor' threatens to burn a book and the whole world goes ballistic.
The mind boggles at such hypocrisy and I would be truly depressed if I was not certain that the root of the whole problem goes back to a single source and that He who is being truly blasphemed by this degradation of human worth, is actually in total control. Gloria in excelsius Deo 

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