Tuesday 14 December 2010

Brave New World speak

Energy minister Patrick Conlon speaking with a forked tongue on the 6 o'clock news stated that the reason energy prices have increased by +12% is because we don't have a carbon price!!!!!!!?
I sometimes wonder whether I am going mad...do these pollies actually believe that the average person is completely bonkers???????
Later in the program on Today Tonight  various 'experts' are interviewed about the carbon offset trading taking place on the Internet (guilt offerings) and the potential that this creates for rorting. So far so good, but again no one questions whether the fear mongering undertaken by these potential snake oil salesmen is even true. What appears to be taken for granted is that Anthropogenic global warming (AGW) is an accepted fact all the while ignoring the climategate scandals, the RK Pachuari scamming and the woeful lack of credible evidence that man is actually causing global warming. Consider this brief quote from JoNova:
"It appears the warming of the 20th Century has been done before.  It’s just business as usual for the planet.
Frank Lansner has been hard at work again, and we’ve been discussing the Vostok ice cores. This time Lansner was looking to see if the current warming trend was unusual, and if there was evidence to support the high climate sensitivities the models suggest. As it happens, most of those high climate sensitivities that the models “estimate” come not from carbon dioxide directly, but from the feedbacks (the way the planet responds to any small change in temperature).
The models assume the net feedbacks are positive. These same feedbacks ought to have been working 100,000 years ago, and if so, there should be some hint of it in the ice cores. Lansner has been hunting for large swings in temperature during the periods when Earth was at a similar temperature to present day conditions — but what he finds is that the current claimed rise of 0.7 degrees C over the last century, even if it were true (and not exaggerated by thermometer siting, the UHI, inexplicable adjustments, or selective use of records) would still be a dog-standard rise."

These same 'climate models' were used in an experiment to determine the climate in hindsight and were incorrect! We have all experienced how climate 'experts' fail to predict the weather for tomorrow never mind decades away, and yet we are willing to bet billions of dollars and who knows how many jobs on them being correct?
Just as corrupted officials of the medieval Catholic church sold 'indulgences' to the ignorant we now are faced with the Gaian church undertaking a similar scam....and they call Christians gullible and 'flat-earthers!!!! 

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