Friday 16 September 2016


A poor poppet from the left stood up and left in the middle of a speech by an obviously conservative writer of fiction who dared to slaughter the sacred cows of ‘appropriation’ and ‘political correctness’.

Said poppet betrays her motivation with this unconscious manifesto of her (and all others of her ilk) desire for the world we live in:

As the chuckles of the audience swelled around me, reinforcing and legitimising the words coming from behind the lectern, I breathed in deeply, trying to make sense of what I was hearing. The stench of privilege hung heavy in the air, and I was reminded of my “place” in the world.
See, here is the thing: if the world were equal, this discussion would be different. But alas, that utopia is far from realised.

Talk about believing in the Easter bunny and Christmas elves, this ‘utopia’ of equality’ that the leftists yearn for flies in the face of every crime statistic since time began and completely ignores history.

Unfortunately facts do not appear to dissuade the ideologically driven and when these ‘poppets’ attain power by any means, they are most likely to ensure their vision is realised whether others want it or not just as they have done in places like Russia, China, Cambodia, Guatemala, Venezuela etc, etc.

The political correctness that the author mocked and that so distressed this fragile poppet, should in fact be more correctly referred to by its proper designation: cultural Marxism:

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