Friday 30 September 2016


The attached essay details how various government 'bodies' have raped (in the generic sense) and pillaged ordinary, productive Australian citizens...all in the filthy name of 'sustainability'. A buzz word that has led to high crimes against humanity, which is of course exactly what its devotees, misanthropists all, have always intended:
David Attenborough”famous for hosting BBC’s The Living Planet and other nature documentaries”has recently drawn headlines for lambasting humans as a “plague on the Earth.”
David Suzuki told students: “One of the things I’ve gotten off on lately is that basically . . . we’re all fruit flies.” He likened us to “maggots” who are “born as an egg” and “eventually hatch out and start crawling around” eating and “defecating all over the environment.”
[A] deep misanthropy has found its way into curricula. A few years ago, for example, the Australian Broadcasting Corporation website carried a children’s feature called Planet Slayer , featuring “Dr. Schpinkee’s Greenhouse Calculator,” with which kids added up their carbon score. The game ended with a “carbon hog” bloodily exploding. Data then told children how much longer they could live until they used up their respective “share of the planet””strongly implying a duty to die thereafter in order not to be a plague on the earth.
But before I become sidetracked by the greater, worldwide march of dystopian visionary's waging war against humanity, let me attach the link to the above mentioned Australian war against ordinary citizens being fought by governments voted into power by us:


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