Wednesday 21 September 2016


Spoken by a less devious creature the following statement would seem naive or mere wishful thinking. Spoken as it is however by one of this centuries most deceitful politicians, word such as 'must be suppressed' have an ominous ring to them:
"A quarter century after the end of Cold War, he said, the world is less violent and more prosperous, yet societies continue to be filled with uncertainties and unease, he noted.

“At this moment we face a choice: we can choose to press forward with cooperation or we can retreat into a world sharply divided.”

The integration of a global economy has made life better for billions of people, he continued, noting that the level of poverty worldwide has been drastically cut.

Globalization needs a “course correction,” he said. The kind of aggressive nationalism and crude populism often voice by the “far right” must be suppressed."
It has not been 'globalism' that has raised billions of people out of poverty but capitalism, cheap energy and less government red tape, everything that Obummer hates and works diligently (between golfing junkets) against.

Beside which, his claim that America is more prosperous is a blatant lie according to his own government's census figures:
"Other decade-long trends brought to light by the Census report were equally gloomy. We still have more than 43 million Americans in poverty today. About 1 in 7 of our citizens is poor. The absolute number of poor people is so large it is now the equivalent of every resident of California being in poverty. Obama's record on fighting poverty has been a complete failure. The number of families that are poor grew by 3.2 million since the self-proclaimed savior entered office. Thank you, Obama.

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