Thursday 15 September 2016


The biggest problem with Australia's Federalist system is perhaps one of its strengths. I refer to the way that the Federal government looks after all of it redistributes funds from the strongest to the weakest states...admirable and effective in providing continuity across the length and breadth of the country but it also hides the penalties which would automatically occur from bad governance.

Take the obvious basket case of Tasmania and the way that this state has long been the recipient of largess from the federal government to stay afloat. The problem stems from the lunatics that have long found a home in the state and have for many years made the 'economic' decisions that have bankrupted the State.

Hence the fore-mentioned 'weakness' of the Federalist system; which is that it PROTECTS the incompetents from discovery because the other, more competent taxpayers of Australia pick up the tab:
Tasmania is not self-sufficient economically. It relies on taxpayer funds which far exceed its contribution to Australia’s GDP ($48K per capita against the national average of $66K). The latestnational GST distribution drives this point home:
South Australia is another case in point. Its increasingly socialistic economic decisions are creating an exodus of employment opportunities because successful employers are exiting in droves due to bureaucratic red tape and  soaring electricity and energy costs. Why are these energy costs so exorbitant you might ask? Because the incompetents in government have been hoodwinked by carpetbagging warmists; Flannery's 'hot rocks' debacle, the desalination plant which has never worked and probably never will, costing the taxpayers billions of dollars are just two of the politically correct bunkum's that have devastated the economy. Again. like Tasmania the South Australian government is bailed out by the Federal government to the tune of the second highest handout from GST revenues.

Like an imprudent bureaucracy within which incompetent workers are promoted to get them out of the managers hair and the best performers; those who make the managers look good, are kept in place thereby reversing the 'logical' trend of competence rising to the top; the populations of these mendicant states are kept from experiencing the error of their ways.

As a citizen of one of these economically anorexic states I vote that we allow the states to experience the errors of their policies by distributing an equal share of the GST  to all states based only on numbers rather than need. Allow some pain to awaken voters to the consequences of their choices and perhaps, just perhaps we might rescue Australia from its plunge into the inevitable dsytopian nightmare that is socialism.

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