Monday 13 May 2013

A philosophical cataract removal is needed.

We desperately need to unshackle ourselves from the mad deep green ideology's that bind this nation  in chains of steel and are bringing it to its knees commercially.

I support conservation and caring for the planet and have always done so in practical as well as philosophical ways. Often we and many others have quietly gone about the business of environmental stewardship, yet the activists, the professional noise-makers are the ones who have infiltrated and established power blocks within the main-stream-media over the past 40 years and now have the influence to manipulate the debate; with the result that we are drowning in their ideological claptrap. This tiny minority has seized effective power.

Martin Durkin writes eloquently (if not disturbingly) of the deep green roots within the Nazi party and how this totalitarian strain still reaches through the Green ideology today.

Australia's Greens have been infiltrated by ideology's foreign to its founding spirit (even one of the founders of Greenpeace understands this and resigned as a consequence:
...and these worldviews are being used to drive wedges into our society. read Antonia Gramsci's vision of neo-Marxism and you will see what I mean.

Let us be done with these divisive war mongers for that ultimately is what they are. Division causes conflict not peace. Calling themselves peace makers is like calling Hitler a kindly grandfather.

I implore well meaning but naive people to not be taken in by the illusion of  'peace-loving, tree hugging, community oriented lovers of humanity' that is sold to the public via the 'useful idiots' of the fourth estate. read the Green manifesto, read Gramsci, read the Fabian manifesto and you will see that the divisive, tribal ideologies that drive the Greens and the socialist arm of the Labor party are destined to create an environment of anarchy, divisiveness and tribal warfare that makes the country unstable, violent and ripe for a totalitarian future, because as Francis Schaeffer said; people will give up everything to preserve their personal peace and prosperity, even their freedoms.

The problem with these extreme ideological positions is that when they are exposed for what they actually are, the damage that is done to the true, original position such as for example in the case of conservation; that there is indeed a need for strong leadership to prevent rampant materialism and greed from ruining the natural environment,...makes most people react with extreme aversion to all aspects of environementalism thus causing evil to triumph in both instances. A case of heads I win tails you lose!

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