Wednesday 8 May 2013

Turn or burn

When activists and their tame scientists use 'scientific statistics' to scare people into doing what they (the activists) want, it is nothing less than political manipulation.
These 'snake-oil sale persons' establish themselves on top of the moral pyramid (by implication) and then speak down to the rest of us that if we do not listen to their dictates then we are all going to die.
Turn or burn; sounds quite fundamentalist doesn't it?
The truly distressing result of all of this manipulation, lying, cheating and narcissism is that the 'ordinary' (see powerless) person begins to trust no-one.
Scientists have been proven mendacious time and time again lying and manipulating to further their careers or too prove some activist theory and thus science itself ceases to be an argument. Philosophers argue that there is no truth and everything is up for interpretation. Politicians are worse than lawyers even though in the labor party most are both, and no-one believes anything any politician says.
What does all of this lead to?
Chaos, destabilisation, anarchy.
When a morally relativistic judiciary hand out slaps on wrists to the most callous of criminals it means that soon the afore mentioned 'ordinary' people will start taking the law into their own hands as they did in South Africa as a result of the politicisation of the police force.
That led to terrible things...if you are old and knowledgeable enough you might remember the 'necklace' a demonic system of 'justice' if ever there was one.
The question that looms large is; are the coalition any better than the current lot or have all sold out to expediency and the will to power?
Only time will tell, but one thing is for sure, they can't be any worse...if Australia is to survive.

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