Wednesday 1 March 2017


President Trump is excoriated in the press for saying that Sweden has been having issues with immigrants refusing to assimilate and creating problems of violence and sexual depravity.

The main-stream-media runs hot with denials and a concomitant denigration of Trump with his 'fake news' stories. Unfortunately for them, his somewhat clumsy reference to 'last night' (meaning he watched a program on TV 'last night') actually proved to be rather prophetic and indeed showed the media and the Swedish Government for the LIARS they really are [emphasis mine]:
Swedish politicians rushed to state that such problems were simply unknown. The city of Malmo was a model of multicultural harmony. One of the police officers interviewed by Horowitz said their comments had been taken out of context. “He is a madman.” And so on.
Just a few hours later, violence erupted in the Stockholm suburb of Rinkeby after a mob of around 30 began attacking officers with rocks and setting fire to cars. But Trump had not been exercising metaphysical powers of prophecy. Both he and Ami Horowitz were accurately reflecting Swedish reality, as has been steadily reported over many years despite attempts by the Swedish authorities to suppress such information.
A few weeks previously, three police officers were taken to hospital after being attacked by a mob in Rinkeby, and officials placed more than 50 areas on a high risk list of places with high levels of migrants where police admit they do not have control. National Police Commissioner Dan Eliasson said he needed a further 4,100 officers and specialist staff to deal with the surge in incidents since migrants entered the nation in their thousands. He said: “We have to go to work against unrest in the asylum centres which places a much greater demand than might appear outwardly.”[M Vespa]
This world of ours has been heading down the path of self-destruction for so long now that when someone gets into power who wants to bring a halt, or at least slow down the suicidal lemming-like behaviour; the elites who are leading the charge over the cliff go berserk.

One could be tempted to allow such mass perversity to continue were it not true that those who will ultimately suffer the most are the poor, disenfranchised and the middle classes....not unfortunately the architects of the problems in the first place.

Why? Because these parasites, money/fame grabbers, power lusters have no morals, no honour, no respect and will roll over to whoever or whatever gets ultimate control thus enjoying the benefits of whatever circumstances prevail.

I say thank goodness that this is all going to come to an end one day, perhaps not too far in the future.

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