Friday 10 March 2017


Because the main-stream-media held pole position for so long we 'normals' have been duped into believing that 'progressives' are the caring, tolerant, and gentle people that the media have painted them to be.

Internet media has shown us that this could not be further from the truth and because of the ongoing 'exposé's many are waking up to the reality that these serial hypocrites are definitely not how the MSM have portrayed them, and are not even what they believe themselves to be.

For too long, the liberal left has been hiding behind a guise of compassion and inclusivity. They claim to care about the forgotten man and pretend to have tolerance for people of all backgrounds, races, religions and political beliefs. Yet, time and time again, their actions prove otherwise.
They portray themselves as open-minded members of society, but their tones quickly change when someone disagrees with them politically. Dare to disagree with a liberal and you will often be faced by an intolerant, uncaring and sometimes even violent person.
A group of Trump supporters at the University of California-Berkley’s #March4Trump were quickly thrown into the middle of this liberal hypocrisy when attempting to peacefully exercise their First Amendment rights. Several of the Trump supporters ended up being assaulted, including an elderly man who collapsed to the ground, and a free speech sign and flags were photographed being burned.
Outrageous. This isn’t North Korea. But, unfortunately, what happened at Berkley serves as just another example of liberals claiming to be proponents of diverse thoughts and beliefs, while never actually following the tolerant words and ideas that they consistently preach.
.......... Refusing to see the hypocrisy in their words and actions, the liberal left continues to criticize their political opponents as the careless and dangerous ones. They claim that Russian Ambassador Kislyak meeting with Attorney General Sessions was a heinous offense, but never mention the fact that seven Democratic senators met with Ambassador Kislyak in 2013 or that the Ambassador frequently visited the Obama White House. And, of course, the list goes on.         [Madison Gesiotto]
Someone has well said that if you want to know what a 'progressive' thinks; look and see what they are accusing others of...Fascists anyone?!

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