Ideas have consequences and the inflammatory and dangerous ones that are being foisted upon the most fragile members of our society these day are taking their toll. I am talking of course of our primary school children.
Ideas like the 'Safe Schools project' (an Orwellian honorific if ever there was one) are being ladled into the minds of unsuspecting minors in the school system creating a grooming environment for future exploitation by emotional sociopaths.
The damage that these ideologies are causing to the emotional well-being of the 'normal's' in society is well captured through this excerpt of a conversation between a psychiatrist and the person who recommended the shrinks patient to him.
"Free floating anxiety, reactive depression and hysteria are rampant!” he yelled into the phone, and after catching half a breath: “It’s like a medieval plague!” He explained: “But the carriers of today’s epidemic are the dismal Marxist rats that have washed up into our universities from the rotten hulk of communism … legions of progressive ideologues have infiltrated and infested all the institutions of higher learning, they are brainwashing our uncritical youth and they are turning them into compliant PC teacher warriors like the one that is screwing up our patient through her daughter!”The problem of course is that universities are pumping out hollow people whose objective in life becomes not the 'education' of his/her/its charges, but the indoctrination of their pupils into a destructive way of living. Sort of like giving your local arsonist a can o petrol, a box of matches and a map to the driest tinder in your neighbourhood.
That’s a very harsh analysis, Maurice. You make it sound as if the university has become a health hazard. Could it be that the teacher has been misunderstood because of poor communication?
“Teaching is about good and proper communication,” he insisted. “This person is talking sex to little kids in newspeak. In our day a school leaver needed a good pass mark to make it into a teachers’ college to learn how to teach—in English. These days a university will admit anybody from an open field of applicants and drum into her (occasionally it’s a he) gender studies, post-Freudian evolutionary psychology and all sorts of reconstituted neo-Marxist claptrap. The academics marinate her grey matter in social-science slime, season it with the latest teaching fads, and when she’s demonstrated a satisfactory level of Orwellian fluency, they send her out to teach. In this case, fashionable fantasies of sexual liberation at a school near Marrickville.” [J J Prineas]
We are the hollow menThe cultural Marxism espoused by so many on the left is another form of the oligarchical cult foisted upon the unfortunates in North Korea, and its consequences will be just as dire:
We are the stuffed men
Leaning together
Headpiece filled with straw. Alas!
Our dried voices, when
We whisper together
Are quiet and meaningless
As wind in dry grass
Or rats' feet over broken glass
In our dry cellar
Shape without form, shade without colour,
Paralysed force, gesture without motion;
Those who have crossed
With direct eyes, to death's other Kingdom
Remember us—if at all—not as lost
Violent souls, but only
As the hollow men
The stuffed men. [T S Eliot]
Gender dysphoria robs a mother of her daughter.In a twisted sort of a way I suppose that teaching your children to be in the world and of the world prevents them from suffering the more obvious wrath of the coming persecution, but what good does that do when they shuffle off this mortal coil...I shudder to think.
“The teacher has done what the university taught her to do: Disregard the parents and prepare the youngster for an orderly transition into a new fluid and gender-diverse multicultural world community, even while your old-fashioned nation-state withers away. The new world of PC harmony and unity in diversity is progressing satisfactorily in many other advanced Western societies as well, and soon all the communities, collectives and covens of the world will be joining hands, dancing in circles and singing ‘Kumbaya’. Just as presaged by neo-Marxism.
“Also, in the new world order the principles of social Darwinism will prevail so that in the schoolyard, unnatural selection will favour the gender-diverse community (GDC) thereby ensuring that the GDC will gain dominance. [J J Prineas]
I for one am not exactly comfortable with the now and yet to come persecutions,but I am firmly, logically and emotionally convinced that Jesus is the WAY THE TRUTH AND THE LIFE and that what is to come is far greater than what we might have to go through here on this gorgeous but flawed green and blue marble in a vast ocean of marbles.