Friday, 30 June 2017


Ideas have consequences and the inflammatory and dangerous ones that are being foisted upon the most fragile members of our society these day are taking their toll. I am talking of course of our primary school children.

Ideas like the 'Safe Schools project' (an Orwellian honorific if ever there was one) are being ladled into the minds of unsuspecting minors in the school system creating a grooming environment for future exploitation by emotional sociopaths.

The damage that these ideologies are causing to the emotional well-being of the 'normal's' in society is well captured through this excerpt of a conversation between a psychiatrist and the person who recommended the shrinks patient to him.
"Free floating anxiety, reactive depression and hysteria are rampant!” he yelled into the phone, and after catching half a breath: “It’s like a medieval plague!” He explained: “But the carriers of today’s epidemic are the dismal Marxist rats that have washed up into our universities from the rotten hulk of communism … legions of progressive ideologues have infiltrated and infested all the institutions of higher learning, they are brainwashing our uncritical youth and they are turning them into compliant PC teacher warriors like the one that is screwing up our patient through her daughter!”
That’s a very harsh analysis, Maurice. You make it sound as if the university has become a health hazard. Could it be that the teacher has been misunderstood because of poor communication?
“Teaching is about good and proper communication,” he insisted. “This person is talking sex to little kids in newspeak. In our day a school leaver needed a good pass mark to make it into a teachers’ college to learn how to teach—in English. These days a university will admit anybody from an open field of applicants and drum into her (occasionally it’s a he) gender studies, post-Freudian evolutionary psychology and all sorts of reconstituted neo-Marxist claptrap. The academics marinate her grey matter in social-science slime, season it with the latest teaching fads, and when she’s demonstrated a satisfactory level of Orwellian fluency, they send her out to teach. In this case, fashionable fantasies of sexual liberation at a school near Marrickville.” [J J Prineas]
The problem of course is that universities are pumping out hollow people whose objective in life becomes not the 'education' of his/her/its charges, but the indoctrination of their pupils into a destructive way of living. Sort of like giving your local arsonist a can o petrol, a box of matches and a map to the driest tinder in your neighbourhood.
We are the hollow men
We are the stuffed men
Leaning together
Headpiece filled with straw. Alas!
Our dried voices, when
We whisper together
Are quiet and meaningless
As wind in dry grass
Or rats' feet over broken glass
In our dry cellar
Shape without form, shade without colour,
Paralysed force, gesture without motion;
Those who have crossed
With direct eyes, to death's other Kingdom
Remember us—if at all—not as lost
Violent souls, but only
As the hollow men
The stuffed men.                                                                [T S Eliot]
The cultural Marxism espoused by so many on the left is another form of the oligarchical cult foisted upon the unfortunates in North Korea, and its consequences will be just as dire:
Gender dysphoria robs a mother of her daughter.
“The teacher has done what the university taught her to do: Disregard the parents and prepare the youngster for an orderly transition into a new fluid and gender-diverse multicultural world community, even while your old-fashioned nation-state withers away. The new world of PC harmony and unity in diversity is progressing satisfactorily in many other advanced Western societies as well, and soon all the communities, collectives and covens of the world will be joining hands, dancing in circles and singing ‘Kumbaya’. Just as presaged by neo-Marxism.
“Also, in the new world order the principles of social Darwinism will prevail so that in the schoolyard, unnatural selection will favour the gender-diverse community (GDC) thereby ensuring that the GDC will gain dominance. [J J Prineas]
 In a twisted sort of a way I suppose that teaching your children to be in the world and of the world prevents them from suffering the more obvious wrath of the coming persecution, but what good does that do when they shuffle off this mortal coil...I shudder to think.

I for one am not exactly comfortable with the now and yet to come persecutions,but I am firmly, logically and emotionally convinced that Jesus is the WAY THE TRUTH AND THE LIFE and that what is to come is far greater than what we might have to go through here on this gorgeous but flawed green and blue marble in a vast ocean of marbles.

Thursday, 29 June 2017


Why has the Anglosphere become what it is?

Why has Western civilisation, the font of so much good in this world, the lifter of so many out of poverty, the bringer of science, technology and medicine to billions, the  source of lifestyles for so many 'ordinary' citizens which overwhelm the lifestyles of many of the most famous and powerful figures of the has this civilisation allowed itself to become so chastised, so maligned, so hated by those it has served so well?

Melanie Phillips provides a few clues:
The demoralisation of the west dates back to the rise of Nazism and the Second World War. Europe, the crucible of the Enlightenment which had nevertheless descended into barbarism, came to believe that it had to be protected against itself. Its constituent nations, particularly Germany, could never again be trusted with any power.
That despairing certainty was the core belief underpinning the EU project. Fascism, went the thinking, had been created by nationalism. To prevent nationalism – and thus prejudice, fascism and war – you had to emasculate the nation. Trans-national institutions, based on the idea of the brotherhood of man, must henceforth take precedence over national governments, institutions and laws.
Britain threw in its lot with this European project because it too was demoralised after the end of World War Two. Bankrupt and deeply in debt to the US, it had also lost its empire – after which, famously, it couldn’t find a role.
In this vulnerable state, its official and intellectual elites were unable to resist the tide of destructive and dangerous ideas which emerged during the sixties – all of which rested on the same premise that the western nation, along with the values it represented, was innately bad.
These ideas constituted a cultural revolution, which radicals realised was a far better way than Soviet communism to undermine the west. They could transform western society through a “long march through the institutions”, capturing the citadels of the culture such as the universities, the churches, the media and others and subverting from within the west’s core values. Through ideologies such as moral and cultural relativism, feminism and multiculturalism this strategy was carried out to the letter.
All these ideologies substituted power for truth and, embodying in their different ways the ideal of the perfection of the world, suppressed all dissent.
The oligarchs and mutants trying to rule we 'normals' through lies, propaganda, dis-information and manipulation are either those who believe in the perfectibility of mankind through social engineering, or are misanthropes who care nothing for people and are driven only by a desire to rule and reign, gathering as many 'toys' into their playrooms as possible before the lights go out.

Either way these are dangerous people whom it is our duty to resist in any way we can


I hear all around me talk of surrendering the struggle for normal values; values that have been around for millennia, as 'inevitable'. The Same sex marriage debate for example. Those who argue for retaining the marriage act in its original form as a safeguard against broken family values are vilified as 'haters', homophobes, bigots.

We have not only surrendered our values but are in the process of surrendering our language as well.

No argumentation is forthcoming over the faults in the argument for conserving the age-old reading of marriage, the opposition have no rational arguments other than ideological differences and emotional diatribes anchored in emotional illogicality.

More than 50 years ago the Christian philosopher Francis Schaeffer concluded that people would eventually give up everything and sacrifice all of their principles for what he termed; "the hope of personal peace and prosperity.

I believe that is what lies behind these calls for a surrender to the 'inevitable'.

The 'inevitable' is thus not is only inevitable if we surrender.
I believe that the struggle against the now exposed 'cultural Marxism' which has been whittling away at our freedoms and has largely 'won' the struggle within the institutions; think the media, the university's, the education departments, big business(crony capitalism), Hollywood etc....can be defeated by a renewed dedication and a shift in tactics.

Brexit & Trump and the extreme reaction to these conservative victories by the elites who have considered the battle won for many years now, has exposed cultural Marxism for what it is.
The elite left is soft because they have had things their own way for so long.

If the truly conservative voice puts aside their differences for the good of the many, resist the siren call of 'personal peace and prosperity' (i.e. make decisions based on the greater good rather than what is good for me and my pocket) if we are able to finance media outlets, educational institutions that follow the line of objective reporting and absolute truths, embrace those in Hollywood who believe in conservative values and back their movies, boycott all propaganda from the left in all its forms and teach those who follow us to do the same then we can begin to slowly turn the tide.

It will not be easy and I am not sure that we have enough time before the inevitable result of our current course which can only be war because the death of debate and argument can only lead to a power struggle, but we owe it to our children to try.

A friend read a passage of scripture; Ezekiel 3, to me yesterday that was both encouraging as well as sobering in its challenge:
Ezekiel’s Task as Watchman
16 At the end of seven days the word of the LORD came to me:
17 “Son of man, I have made you a watchman for the people of Israel; so hear the word I speak and give them warning from me.
18 When I say to a wicked person, ‘You will surely die,’ and you do not warn them or speak out to dissuade them from their evil ways in order to save their life, that wicked person will die for their sin, and I will hold you accountable for their blood.
19 But if you do warn the wicked person and they do not turn from their wickedness or from their evil ways, they will die for their sin; but you will have saved yourself.
20“Again, when a righteous person turns from their righteousness and does evil, and I put a stumbling block before them, they will die. Since you did not warn them, they will die for their sin. The righteous things that person did will not be remembered, and I will hold you accountable for their blood.
21 But if you do warn the righteous person not to sin and they do not sin, they will surely live because they took warning, and you will have saved yourself.”
22 The hand of the LORD was on me there, and he said to me, “Get up and go out to the plain, and there I will speak to you.”
23 So I got up and went out to the plain. And the glory of the LORD was standing there, like the glory I had seen by the Kebar River, and I fell facedown.

Monday, 26 June 2017


Roger Franklin rogers a mythological meme that abounds in Greenie circles; that nature is somehow delicately balanced and that man is the great destroyer of this balance and is therefore a 'virus' that should be eradicated from Gaia's delicate form, a misanthropic myth started a long time ago and was what eventually led Patrick Moore to leave Greenpeace:
He quit Greenpeace in 1986 after 15 years as a co-founder, saying the organisation had become anti-science and anti-human..
I particularly like Franklin's evisceration of the propaganda myth [highlights mine]:
.....learn how, were you to cultivate those trees in greenhouses gassed-up with 800ppm carbon dioxide — twice current atmospheric levels — they won’t do so well, being prey to leaf-eating bugs and hungry koalas. The item concluded, as you might expect, with the plea that much more research is needed. Keep those grants coming!
The curious thing about the ABC’s decision to showcase this particular prophecy of red gum doom is that a prime and undisputed cause of the trees’ woes has been known for quite some time. Alas, the cause and solution aren’t palatable to those who prefer to fret about a trace gas in unworldly concentration, rather than the real damage done by greenish policies that prevent prophylactic burning, thereby promoting both the worst kind of bushfires and insect populations that would otherwise have been suppressed by the drip torch and controlled flames.
More than that, the recognition that man’s thumb exerts a considerable weight on the current ecological scale is anathema to those who promote the myth of “wilderness”, that manifestation of green romanticism which insists large tracts of the bush remain as they were before humans set foot on the continent. Lock up the bush, the eco-zealots insist, and Nature will make everything pristine once more.
The myth is that we should never 'disrupt' mother natures 'natural growth' with seedy mans interventionism. The propagation of this myth led to the devastating fires that have destroyed large swathes of Victoria's and South Australia's wilderness areas and caused multiple deaths in the process. And like the excerpt indicates this has been done in the service of ideology whilst true knowledge has been ignored and/or passed over in favour of the ideologues. Consider this reason why Patrick Moore left the Greenpeace movement[emphasis mine]:
His fellow directors were unqualified in science, whereas he has a PhD in ecology and environmental science. When they decided, against his advice, to campaign to ban chlorine, he split. “I told them, ‘Adding chlorine to drinking water was the biggest advance in the history of public health. Most synthetic pharmaceuticals and medicines are made with chlorine.’ But Greenpeace had drifted away from science and logic, and its tools now were misinformation, sensationalism and fear, all designed to get public donations.”
We 'normal's/deplorables' ought to take note of who the ideologues are who make the plans and petty rules that are destroying all that we love and hold them personally responsible at the next elections.

Let us get rid of this tiny band of fanatics who are destroying everything that has been built over the past two hundred years. These are treasonous worms who in the name of their ideology have caused more misery in the last hundred years than any philosophy since the beginning of time...of course it is Marxism I am referring too and the cultural Marxists of our day who disguise and manipulate this woeful ideology with lying words and false promises.

To apropriate from the lexicon of the anarchists I say


Thursday, 22 June 2017


The new breed of politician (with a very few exceptions) seems to spend most of his/her time submitting bills to parliament that promote fringe issues only.

There have been endless attempts to change abortion into a more merciless and efficient killing policy. Too many bills promoting Euthanasia have been submitted and opposed thus far, but these death seekers will never rest of that I am sure.

We have pollies obsessed with taking away the rights of 'normal's' in voting for changing the marriage policies that have existed for millennia in favour of the latest trends of hipsters and a tiny minority of loud mouthed individuals who have embraced these changes not for what they actually are, but for the power they represent to coerce and manipulate others into their way of thinking.

We see politicians promoting into seats of power those who would hold us accountable for myths of past injustices that never happened and that we are now supposed to pay up for. These are parasites who spend their terms in office dreaming up new and improved methods of leeching from the taxpayers trough.

How many of this new breed of pollies are interested in the massive debt that we are incurring on a daily basis?
How many of this new breed are intent on establishing the rule of justice and of law and order in this land of ours?
How many of these new parasites are interested in making our borders safe from freeloaders and terrorists?

Tuesday, 20 June 2017


The attack against everything that has made the West successful has reached another level, an attack on the actual political process. Yes yes I know its been going on for a long while but the number of articles against democracy are increasing exponentially.

Possibly part of the Trump Derangement syndrome.

The 'useful idiots' of the main-stream-media are attacking the very thing that has made our civilisation the most prosperous, successful and the most enduring of free societies that history has ever seen and they are doing it in the belief that 'Democracy' is flawed.

Well hello! what political system isn't flawed? Churchill recognised this as far back as the early part of the last century, but as he so wisely put it;
 "Many forms of Government have been tried, and will be tried in this world of sin and woe. No one pretends that democracy is perfect or all-wise. Indeed it has been said that democracy is the worst form of Government except for all those other forms that have been tried from time to time.…"
But the philosophical white-anters continue. I am not sure whether these people are part of Agenda 21, or if they genuinely believe that Utopia is just around the next worldview corner or whether they are merely cynically jumping on the bandwagon to further their careers, its hard to tell these days.

Here are a few of the articles bashing democracy.

Tuesday, 13 June 2017


I fear Alan Moran's dire warnings are an accurate assessment on the state of the voting public in England. Our Western, JC culture has been successfully white-anted for more than 70 years now in the Gramscian long-march and is, I believe, past the point of no return. 

  "It would be encouraging to fall back on blaming the Conservatives’ poor campaigning and vigorous campaigning by Mr Corbyn. But the more plausible answer is that people voted for those who would provide them more of what they want. One part of this is the amplified government spending and regulatory gifting which has increasingly undermined fiscal policy over the past century. People’s wants, as economists often proclaim, are insatiable, and those wants being met without having to earn them are especially valuable. The mob will flock to politicians who give them things and it will care little about how these gifts came to be afforded – after all, the popular media is full of stories featuring rich people with fancy lifestyles, and there is an assumption that such affluence can be harvested for the gift-receivers without that reaping affecting the size of the magic pudding. In past centuries, revolts of taxpayers against the government acted as a check on its size, but the balance of power has now shifted to the recipients of taxpayers’ wealth.
Another part of the answer may be Mr Corbyn’s softer approach to terror and immigration. From afar this is difficult to comprehend, especially as the London bombings came part way through the campaign. But for many, appeasement is the preferred approach to combatting terror. Like LGBTQIwerty folk for Islam and the US counter-demonstrators who, only this weekend, outnumbered demonstrators against Sharia Law, many feel that if we are less aggressive against Islamic preferences and more understanding of the bombers’ perspective we will see an abatement of the harm they inflict. Supporting this are commentators blaming militant Islamic terror on the West for fighting what are depicted as proxy wars against Islam in Libya, Iraq and Israel. Appeasement is the first step toward capitulation, as painted in the France of Michel Houellebecq’s novel Submission.
I opined that the Brexit and trump phenomena were not signs of reversal but a mere pause on the cliff-side of Lemmingville and recent events have proved that to be true. Even Trump's victory has not been allowed to settle and regain much lost ground but has instead been exposed to an exponentially powerful attack by the silent 'rulers' of America to step up their campaign of scaremongering and seizure of the levers of control. What some of the press call the 'Deep State'.

Once these people have control it is tickets for the freedoms we have enjoyed for the past 150 years and will never be reclaimed, at least until the second coming. So buckle up ladies and gents we are in for a ride.

Friday, 9 June 2017


Some ideas just never run out of steam.
Some need an 'intervention' to make them stop.
Some need a revolution.

The Climate change scam is one that earns billions of dollars and prestige for its acolytes, do you really believe that the momentum that has been built up over the past few decades will allow it  to wind down gracefully? At best, like a super tanker that changes course, its momentum will keep it going in the same direction for quite a long time before change is observed.

Meanwhile, will the high priests/esses of this Gaian sect just surrender their perks and status because the 'other side' have succeeded against all odds (and a concerted effort by '97%' of the Main-stream-press) to convince the public that the whole thing was a massive ponzi scheme, I think not.

It brings to mind the Egyptian Priests during the reign of Amenhotep IV (also called Akhenaton) who after being dismissed by the Pharaoh plotted against him and waited in the wings until his untimely death whereupon they came back stronger than ever and ultimately succeeded in destroying the whole country, a fact that has been repeated over and over throughout history and illustrates that these 'elites' are completely unconcerned with the countries they rule but only with the amount of money, prestige and power they can accumulate before it all falls in a heap.

Socialism is another case in point. Do the research and discover who profits......generally the 'high priests' of the ideology.  People without an absolute philosophy have always shown an advanced aptitude for servile surrender to whatever ruling power takes over and the ability to prosper from it.

Australia's irascible 'Poet laureate in exile' (or journalistic bad-boy) Clive James believes that the 'end is nigh', the end that is of the biggest scam in history and that the skeptics have won....I hope he is correct but I sincerely doubt it and I therefore intend to keep on my soapbox until this particular scam is thoroughly, unmistakably, irrevocably defeated or I am in a box:
The best way to kill off the Climate Debate is to do what Team-Alarm has done for years — stop talking about whether it’s real, and just project forwards, detailing the collapse. For twenty years others have been saying “the debate is over”. Now the tables are turning. The debate really is over, skeptics won, and what’s left is to watch it continue to unravel. Clive James argues that it won’t collapse like a house of cards… (an extract from the new IPA book Climate Change: The Facts 2017.)
To take a conspicuous if ludicrous case, Australian climate star Tim Flannery will probably not, of his own free will, shrink back to the position conferred by his original metier, as an expert on the extinction of the giant wombat. He is far more likely to go on being, and wishing to be, one of the mass media’s mobile oracles about climate. While that possibility continues, it will go on being danger­ous to stand between him and a television camera. If the giant wombat could have moved at that speed, it would still be with us.
The mere fact that few of Flannery’s predictions have ever come true need not be enough to discredit him, just as American professor Paul Ehrlich has been left untouched since he predicted that the world would soon run out of copper. In those days, when our current phase of the long discussion about man’s attack on nature was just beginning, he predicted mass death by extreme cold. Lately he predicts mass death by extreme heat. But he has always predicted mass death by extreme something.
[J Nova]

Thursday, 8 June 2017


I could not say it better than Melanie Phillips and shall therefore let her do the talking:
"The red-black-green-Islamic axis
One reason why people find it so difficult to acknowledge the resurgence of antisemitism in the West is that hatred of Jews has been associated with the “far right.” But those who are deeply hostile to Israel are often also deeply hostile to the “far right,” which they believe stands for racism, obscurantism, irrationality and bigotry.
Those left-wingers and liberals who march against Israel and America, denounce the neocons, promote the green agenda and raise the standard of atheistic reason against religious superstition think of themselves as progressive and enlightened. Their Manichean approach means they define themselves in large measure by what they are not. Most people are resolutely un-ideological and recoil from extremist attitudes.
But for those activists within the intelligentsia whose voices are the most shrill, to be on the left, as we have already seen, is to inhabit the sphere of unassailable virtue. Everyone outside it belongs to the party of the damned, otherwise known as “the right”—which quickly shades into the “far right” with scarcely a breath drawn. And “the right” is invested with stupidity, ignorance, prejudice and authoritarianism, so that the left can think of itself as the opposite, waging a principled fight for reason, progress, tolerance and liberty. The left portrays itself historically as fighting heroically against tyranny and fascism.
Except it’s not as simple as that. Indeed, this division is itself ignorant and ahistorical. The fact is that, today as in the past, left and right have common roots and share many characteristics. The idea that one side represents reason and liberty and the other their antithesis is false. In many ways, both left and “far right” form an axis of unreason, anti-modernity and intolerance; and thus they share a number of characteristics with revolutionary Islamism. Indeed, the “reasoned” West has more in common with the “obscurantist” East than people care to recognize.

Tuesday, 6 June 2017


The late great Francis Schaeffer showed in his books and TV series how modern, humanist man had attempted to find universal truth through reason alone and had failed.

The consequence of this failure was that humanist man then came to the conclusion that the pursuit of truth leads only to despair and therefore the road to 'happiness' or 'fulfilment' can only come through non-reason.

I don't think he realised just how prophetic he was at the time during which he was operating.

I have been working through his series; How Should We Then Live....

...with my youngest son and I have been amazed at the perspicacity of his observations. It is also quite ironic to view scenes such as those in episode 8 where the young students of UC Berkeley riot in favour of free speech and then consider how that same university today has been at the forefront of closing down the very free speech that those 60's students fought for.

The series is worth a revisit.

Monday, 5 June 2017


The fundamental crisis facing the West today is that in the face of religious extremism from Islamist radicals the best that the secular elites can call for is a 'reformation of the Koran' and 'an adoption of civilised values', which means in truth the destruction of the former and embracing nothingness; the nihilism of secularism.

Pointing to the reformation of Christianity as undertaken during the 16th Century is disingenuous and a false flag. The reformation was a return to biblical values from the syncretised and false belief systems introduced into Christianity over centuries, whereas the proposed 'reformation' of the Koran would be to turn away from its medieval values to something new, not a reformation but a reinterpretation and something that most Koran believing Muslims would not even consider never mind attempt:
The religion is the problem; the scripture is the problem. We should do nothing to give it an ounce of credibility. Sharia law lovers, fundamentalist Imams, jihadis, terrorists and the Johnny-come-lately ISIS are mere symptoms. [P Smith, Quadrant, 5.5.17]
The rights of man, as these have come to be understood throughout the course of the history of European nations, will be of little help in bringing Muslims to see their moral practices reasonably from a certain distance; as we now understand them, human rights imply the pure and simple disappearance of Islam as a form of common life. Muslims are too attached to their moral practices and to their religion to give into the temptation to become ‘modern individuals’ by disappearing as Muslims. [Pierre Manent, Beyond Radical Secularism, (South Bend, IN: St. Augustine’s Press, 2016), p. 81]
The West has shifted away from transcendent values for so long that the intellectuals of the 'new order' have nothing to offer except narcissistic nihilism and the 'fruits' of such a belief (or rather a non-belief) system are on evidence in the daily news cycle. Would the religious fanatics that serve their bloodthirsty master see pornography, decadence, narcissism, consumerism and egregious waste as tempting....I think not, and neither do I.

The difference is that I do not take up arms and violence to try and make the secular despots change their ways, but the fact remains secularism, existentialism, post-modernism and all of the empty 'isms' that populate the philosophical realm of the 21st century have very little to offer as an alternative.

Unfortunately the only logical result to such a dilemma can be conflict.

Sunday, 4 June 2017


This Trump Derangement Syndrome that has captured the left-wing glitterati, the intellectuals and the left-wing press is symptomatic of kicking over a rock and watching all the creepy crawlies making like Usain Bolt for the darkness once more.

Light has never been an attraction for creatures of the occult:
Occult: Available only to the initiate; secret or mysterious: occult lore. See Synonyms at mysterious,  beyond the realm of human comprehension; inscrutable: The causes of those phenomena remain occult: Hidden from view; concealed:
.....and these are what now populate, en mass; the media, the university's, certain elements of the political elite (left & Right) and Hollywood.

Little wonder therefore that we see these creatures screeching for darkness to once again protect their scurrilous activities.

Light is a killer to people such as these:
So what is a sociopath? A serial killer that strolls from one victim to another? Possibly, but not often. Ask yourself this: is the person you're concerned about unable to form any kind of emotional bond with another person? Does he or she seem to be always without empathy for others, even their own family? Does he or she do things that to you seem beyond comprehension; and then carry on as if those actions made no difference? Does she/he lie without compunction? Is he or she in trouble with the law and other authorities? Does he or she like dangerous, outrageous or socially/sexually unacceptable activities that provide a thrill? If you see this dynamic in your partner, family member, coworker, or friend, you are very probably dealing with a sociopath.

Friday, 2 June 2017


Marxism has taken over the West's universities, particularly the humanities departments. The social chaos and absurdities we see on a daily basis are the results of this philosophy.

Most 'intellectuals' who follow this Machiavellian philosophy do so with 'innocent' intentions, they are what Lenin called the useful idiots....usually those who entertain Utopian dreams and often because they have lived in the abundant luxury of the West for so long they have been seduced into believing that this is the norm. Many perhaps most, have turned away from a belief in a transcendent being and are therefore looking to fill this Pascalian vacuum with a fresh passion and in doing so latched on to the pernicious cultural cancer named Marxism.

There are some however who are not 'useful idiots' but instead see the resultant chaos of a Marxist society as the way to rip themselves some booty. These are the Ghengis Khans/Stalinists of the new order, those to whom millions of deaths are not a tragedy but a statistic (et al Stalin).
Critical Theorists will no doubt carve themselves an exemption for atrocities committed in the “service of the revolution” or some similar nonsense, but the horrendous body count of Marxist communism is indisputable. The most commonly accepted estimate places the 20th century total at 100 million victims, with the repressive communist societies of the Soviet Union and Maoist China constituting the two deadliest regimes in all of human history. Lesser communist societies leave similarly devastating death tolls practically every place they are attempted, the only difference between them and Stalin being a matter of scale.
With a few noted exceptions who retreat into the Soviet equivalent of Holocaust denial, most modern Marxists try to dissociate themselves from these numbers by insisting the perpetrators were not sufficiently authentic adherents of Marxism. This excuse is intellectually flimsy, and tends to overlook the fact that every one of these regimes (1) considered itself Marxist, (2) believed itself to be implementing Marxist ideas, and (3) enjoyed alarming degrees of support and enthusiasm in its own time by contemporary Marxist intellectuals, particularly before their death tolls were widely known. All said, the empirical evidence of Marxism’s connections to unprecedented levels of death and devastation is impossible to escape.

Thursday, 1 June 2017


Chavez's Venezuela is a classic example of how socialism devastates everything it touches:
Venezuela descends into chaos. Its people, once the wealthiest in Latin America, starve. Even The New York Times runs headlines like "Dying Infants and No Medicine." [J Stossel]
A country with the greatest measurable deposit of oil in the world is dying on its feet.
Because of socialism of course.

Socialism has failed in Angola, Benin, Cambodia, China, Congo, Cuba, Ethiopia, Laos, Mongolia, Mozambique, North Korea, Poland, Somalia, the Soviet Union, Vietnam and now Venezuela. We are yet to experience the blessed event of seeing one socialist country succeed. Remember also that the NAZI Party was the Nationalist SOCIALIST party and Hitler despised capitalism because he said it sprang from the Jews (Of course that did not prevent him from enacting 'Crony Capitalism' which is an oxymoron, and flies in the face of real free enterprise).
In 1973, when Chile abandoned its short-lived experiment with socialism and embraced capitalism, Chilean income was 36 percent that of Venezuela. Today, Chileans are 51 percent richer than Venezuelans. Chilean incomes rose by 228 percent. Venezuelans became 21 percent poorer.
Venezuela has greater oil reserves than Saudi Arabia. But because some people believe socialism is the answer to inequality, Venezuelans starve.
Socialism(and Crony Capitalism) always results in the greatest  concentrations of wealth landing in the fewest of pockets even though most of its proponents claim otherwise. In fact regarding those who refuse to acknowledge the truth of socialism, consider these air-headed elites who champion socialism from their air-conditioned multiple mansions, including Noam Chuomsky, the infamous American radical who backs many of the most pernicious regimes on earth:
So are American celebrities who championed Venezuela's "people's revolution" embarrassed? Will they admit they were wrong?
"No," says linguist and political writer Noam Chomsky. "I was right."
Actor Sean Penn met with Hugo Chavez several times and claimed Chavez did "incredible things for the 80 percent of the people that are very poor."
Oliver Stone made a film that fawned over Chavez and Latin American socialism. Chavez joined Stone in Venice for the film's premiere.
Michael Moore praised Chavez for eliminating "75 percent of extreme poverty."
Hello?! In Venezuela, Chavez and his successor, Nicolas Maduro, created extreme poverty.[ibid]
Michael Moore could do with spending at least a year in Venezuela himself:
My Venezuelan-born friend Kenny says his relatives are speaking differently. Cousins who once answered "Fine" or "Good" when asked, "How are you?" now say, "We're eating."
Eating is a big deal in the country that's given birth to jokes about a "Venezuelan diet." A survey by three universities found 75 percent of Venezuelans lost an average 19 pounds this year.[ibid]
Will such recorded reality now change the minds of fools such as these? I fear not. Emotion, pride, power and pettiness blinds the eyes to true-truth and until intellectuals and rich fools such as these live under and experience the depravity of socialism they will never acknowledge its failures, and that is a sad state for the majority of people living under these regimes:
As Tupy wrote elsewhere about another socialist fool, "As much as I would like to enjoy rubbing (his) nose in his own mind-bending stupidity, I cannot rejoice, for I know that Venezuela's descent into chaos -- hyperinflation, empty shops, out-of-control violence and the collapse of basic public services -- will not be the last time we hear of a collapsing socialist economy. More countries will refuse to learn from history and give socialism 'a go.' 'Useful idiots,' to use Lenin's words ... will sing socialism's praises until the last light goes out."[ibid]
In South Australia we are living under and in increasingly bold socialist regime.
Ergo our electricity bills are the highest in the country, and are almost the highest in the world....and are set to increase later this year. All of this and we are living in a country that has been blessed with coal and gas reserves that few other countries possess.

My mind boggles at the stupidity of it all, until that is I read the bible and I see that the nature of mankind has changed not a jot over the past few thousand years.