Monday 26 June 2017


Roger Franklin rogers a mythological meme that abounds in Greenie circles; that nature is somehow delicately balanced and that man is the great destroyer of this balance and is therefore a 'virus' that should be eradicated from Gaia's delicate form, a misanthropic myth started a long time ago and was what eventually led Patrick Moore to leave Greenpeace:
He quit Greenpeace in 1986 after 15 years as a co-founder, saying the organisation had become anti-science and anti-human..
I particularly like Franklin's evisceration of the propaganda myth [highlights mine]:
.....learn how, were you to cultivate those trees in greenhouses gassed-up with 800ppm carbon dioxide — twice current atmospheric levels — they won’t do so well, being prey to leaf-eating bugs and hungry koalas. The item concluded, as you might expect, with the plea that much more research is needed. Keep those grants coming!
The curious thing about the ABC’s decision to showcase this particular prophecy of red gum doom is that a prime and undisputed cause of the trees’ woes has been known for quite some time. Alas, the cause and solution aren’t palatable to those who prefer to fret about a trace gas in unworldly concentration, rather than the real damage done by greenish policies that prevent prophylactic burning, thereby promoting both the worst kind of bushfires and insect populations that would otherwise have been suppressed by the drip torch and controlled flames.
More than that, the recognition that man’s thumb exerts a considerable weight on the current ecological scale is anathema to those who promote the myth of “wilderness”, that manifestation of green romanticism which insists large tracts of the bush remain as they were before humans set foot on the continent. Lock up the bush, the eco-zealots insist, and Nature will make everything pristine once more.
The myth is that we should never 'disrupt' mother natures 'natural growth' with seedy mans interventionism. The propagation of this myth led to the devastating fires that have destroyed large swathes of Victoria's and South Australia's wilderness areas and caused multiple deaths in the process. And like the excerpt indicates this has been done in the service of ideology whilst true knowledge has been ignored and/or passed over in favour of the ideologues. Consider this reason why Patrick Moore left the Greenpeace movement[emphasis mine]:
His fellow directors were unqualified in science, whereas he has a PhD in ecology and environmental science. When they decided, against his advice, to campaign to ban chlorine, he split. “I told them, ‘Adding chlorine to drinking water was the biggest advance in the history of public health. Most synthetic pharmaceuticals and medicines are made with chlorine.’ But Greenpeace had drifted away from science and logic, and its tools now were misinformation, sensationalism and fear, all designed to get public donations.”
We 'normal's/deplorables' ought to take note of who the ideologues are who make the plans and petty rules that are destroying all that we love and hold them personally responsible at the next elections.

Let us get rid of this tiny band of fanatics who are destroying everything that has been built over the past two hundred years. These are treasonous worms who in the name of their ideology have caused more misery in the last hundred years than any philosophy since the beginning of time...of course it is Marxism I am referring too and the cultural Marxists of our day who disguise and manipulate this woeful ideology with lying words and false promises.

To apropriate from the lexicon of the anarchists I say


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