Tuesday 13 June 2017


I fear Alan Moran's dire warnings are an accurate assessment on the state of the voting public in England. Our Western, JC culture has been successfully white-anted for more than 70 years now in the Gramscian long-march and is, I believe, past the point of no return. 

  "It would be encouraging to fall back on blaming the Conservatives’ poor campaigning and vigorous campaigning by Mr Corbyn. But the more plausible answer is that people voted for those who would provide them more of what they want. One part of this is the amplified government spending and regulatory gifting which has increasingly undermined fiscal policy over the past century. People’s wants, as economists often proclaim, are insatiable, and those wants being met without having to earn them are especially valuable. The mob will flock to politicians who give them things and it will care little about how these gifts came to be afforded – after all, the popular media is full of stories featuring rich people with fancy lifestyles, and there is an assumption that such affluence can be harvested for the gift-receivers without that reaping affecting the size of the magic pudding. In past centuries, revolts of taxpayers against the government acted as a check on its size, but the balance of power has now shifted to the recipients of taxpayers’ wealth.
Another part of the answer may be Mr Corbyn’s softer approach to terror and immigration. From afar this is difficult to comprehend, especially as the London bombings came part way through the campaign. But for many, appeasement is the preferred approach to combatting terror. Like LGBTQIwerty folk for Islam and the US counter-demonstrators who, only this weekend, outnumbered demonstrators against Sharia Law, many feel that if we are less aggressive against Islamic preferences and more understanding of the bombers’ perspective we will see an abatement of the harm they inflict. Supporting this are commentators blaming militant Islamic terror on the West for fighting what are depicted as proxy wars against Islam in Libya, Iraq and Israel. Appeasement is the first step toward capitulation, as painted in the France of Michel Houellebecq’s novel Submission.
I opined that the Brexit and trump phenomena were not signs of reversal but a mere pause on the cliff-side of Lemmingville and recent events have proved that to be true. Even Trump's victory has not been allowed to settle and regain much lost ground but has instead been exposed to an exponentially powerful attack by the silent 'rulers' of America to step up their campaign of scaremongering and seizure of the levers of control. What some of the press call the 'Deep State'.

Once these people have control it is tickets for the freedoms we have enjoyed for the past 150 years and will never be reclaimed, at least until the second coming. So buckle up ladies and gents we are in for a ride.

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