Tuesday 20 June 2017


The attack against everything that has made the West successful has reached another level, an attack on the actual political process. Yes yes I know its been going on for a long while but the number of articles against democracy are increasing exponentially.

Possibly part of the Trump Derangement syndrome.

The 'useful idiots' of the main-stream-media are attacking the very thing that has made our civilisation the most prosperous, successful and the most enduring of free societies that history has ever seen and they are doing it in the belief that 'Democracy' is flawed.

Well hello! what political system isn't flawed? Churchill recognised this as far back as the early part of the last century, but as he so wisely put it;
 "Many forms of Government have been tried, and will be tried in this world of sin and woe. No one pretends that democracy is perfect or all-wise. Indeed it has been said that democracy is the worst form of Government except for all those other forms that have been tried from time to time.…"
But the philosophical white-anters continue. I am not sure whether these people are part of Agenda 21, or if they genuinely believe that Utopia is just around the next worldview corner or whether they are merely cynically jumping on the bandwagon to further their careers, its hard to tell these days.

Here are a few of the articles bashing democracy.



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