Friday 2 June 2017


Marxism has taken over the West's universities, particularly the humanities departments. The social chaos and absurdities we see on a daily basis are the results of this philosophy.

Most 'intellectuals' who follow this Machiavellian philosophy do so with 'innocent' intentions, they are what Lenin called the useful idiots....usually those who entertain Utopian dreams and often because they have lived in the abundant luxury of the West for so long they have been seduced into believing that this is the norm. Many perhaps most, have turned away from a belief in a transcendent being and are therefore looking to fill this Pascalian vacuum with a fresh passion and in doing so latched on to the pernicious cultural cancer named Marxism.

There are some however who are not 'useful idiots' but instead see the resultant chaos of a Marxist society as the way to rip themselves some booty. These are the Ghengis Khans/Stalinists of the new order, those to whom millions of deaths are not a tragedy but a statistic (et al Stalin).
Critical Theorists will no doubt carve themselves an exemption for atrocities committed in the “service of the revolution” or some similar nonsense, but the horrendous body count of Marxist communism is indisputable. The most commonly accepted estimate places the 20th century total at 100 million victims, with the repressive communist societies of the Soviet Union and Maoist China constituting the two deadliest regimes in all of human history. Lesser communist societies leave similarly devastating death tolls practically every place they are attempted, the only difference between them and Stalin being a matter of scale.
With a few noted exceptions who retreat into the Soviet equivalent of Holocaust denial, most modern Marxists try to dissociate themselves from these numbers by insisting the perpetrators were not sufficiently authentic adherents of Marxism. This excuse is intellectually flimsy, and tends to overlook the fact that every one of these regimes (1) considered itself Marxist, (2) believed itself to be implementing Marxist ideas, and (3) enjoyed alarming degrees of support and enthusiasm in its own time by contemporary Marxist intellectuals, particularly before their death tolls were widely known. All said, the empirical evidence of Marxism’s connections to unprecedented levels of death and devastation is impossible to escape.

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