Thursday 29 June 2017


Why has the Anglosphere become what it is?

Why has Western civilisation, the font of so much good in this world, the lifter of so many out of poverty, the bringer of science, technology and medicine to billions, the  source of lifestyles for so many 'ordinary' citizens which overwhelm the lifestyles of many of the most famous and powerful figures of the has this civilisation allowed itself to become so chastised, so maligned, so hated by those it has served so well?

Melanie Phillips provides a few clues:
The demoralisation of the west dates back to the rise of Nazism and the Second World War. Europe, the crucible of the Enlightenment which had nevertheless descended into barbarism, came to believe that it had to be protected against itself. Its constituent nations, particularly Germany, could never again be trusted with any power.
That despairing certainty was the core belief underpinning the EU project. Fascism, went the thinking, had been created by nationalism. To prevent nationalism – and thus prejudice, fascism and war – you had to emasculate the nation. Trans-national institutions, based on the idea of the brotherhood of man, must henceforth take precedence over national governments, institutions and laws.
Britain threw in its lot with this European project because it too was demoralised after the end of World War Two. Bankrupt and deeply in debt to the US, it had also lost its empire – after which, famously, it couldn’t find a role.
In this vulnerable state, its official and intellectual elites were unable to resist the tide of destructive and dangerous ideas which emerged during the sixties – all of which rested on the same premise that the western nation, along with the values it represented, was innately bad.
These ideas constituted a cultural revolution, which radicals realised was a far better way than Soviet communism to undermine the west. They could transform western society through a “long march through the institutions”, capturing the citadels of the culture such as the universities, the churches, the media and others and subverting from within the west’s core values. Through ideologies such as moral and cultural relativism, feminism and multiculturalism this strategy was carried out to the letter.
All these ideologies substituted power for truth and, embodying in their different ways the ideal of the perfection of the world, suppressed all dissent.
The oligarchs and mutants trying to rule we 'normals' through lies, propaganda, dis-information and manipulation are either those who believe in the perfectibility of mankind through social engineering, or are misanthropes who care nothing for people and are driven only by a desire to rule and reign, gathering as many 'toys' into their playrooms as possible before the lights go out.

Either way these are dangerous people whom it is our duty to resist in any way we can

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