Monday 22 August 2011

Philosophical accuracy.

To the anti-religionist an observation from Zac Alston:
In the end we can either reform religion or replace it; there is no third option. The anti-religious atheist is – unwittingly – the inspired prophet of a new religious movement. Whatever ideas he plants in the fertile soil of the human mind, we can rest assured that something religious will eventually grow. The answer to all the religious evils on the tip of an atheist’s tongue is perseverance in religious goods.
Bad religion, like bad science, bad ethics, bad politics and bad arguments must be challenged for being bad, not for being at all.
Don't forget the artistic urge.

These are all realities of human interactions and a manifestation of human needs and desires. To blame the manifestation for human folly misses the point. 'Politics' is not to blame for bad policies...humans are!
Etc, etc,etc.  

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