Thursday 4 February 2016


This has to make you think twice, surely! Everyone has a 'religion', even those who claim there is no God.
A Catholic priest would earn in a year what Morrison earns in just two or three speeches of his own brand of moralising:
Former army chief David Mor­­rison is charging up to $15,000 for speaking engagements as Australian of the Year, up to three times more than his predecessor Rosie Batty asked for each appearance.
In an insight into the growth of the industry that has built up around advocacy of equality and diversity, Mr Morrison stands to earn as much as $780,000 while he is Australian of the Year if he gives one speech a week.
How about equality of salary? A few bracing lectures from Morrison on that would be interesting.
On the same theme, a Human Rights Commissioner gets ten times the salary of a Catholic priest, and usually gets treated by the media like a minor oracle and not a leper.
New Age moralists don’t come cheap. It’s a business now. But I rather suspect we’d hear more to our advantage from the priest.

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