Saturday 27 February 2016


The heretofore generally articulate and undoubtedly brave young Pakistani girl Malala is said to have ‘dissed’ Trump with the most ‘elegant’ of putdowns:
“Malala Yousafzai offered up a reality check for Donald Trump and any other politician attacking the entire Muslim faith.  "The more you speak about Islam and against all Muslims, the more terrorists we create," she said in an interview with Channel 4 in the United Kingdom.
I am not at all convinced about the ‘elegance’ of what appears to me to be a stock standard defence of any/all criticisms of the Islamic faith. If such a simplistic causality between ridicule and violence actually existed, then the left-wing Media's relentless assault on Christianity should have created millions of terrorists all around the world.

I think it has more to do with the fact the Islam was founded by a warlord and continues to be a political dominance programme wrapped in religious garb.

Thus Malala’s simplistic ‘reasoning’ should be exposed for what it is, rather than excessively feted just because it fits the paradigm the mass media wish to project.

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