Wednesday 8 February 2017


Christopher Carr nails the media hypocrisy:
"Bernardi chose the clean and more honest break and attracted such vicious opprobrium, one suspects, largely and simply because he is a conservative. Would a Coalition defection to the Greens, the Labor Party, let alone as a left wing defector on the crossbenches, attract condemnation from the ABC or Fairfax Media? What if a Liberal senator chose to defect because, say, he opposed the withdrawal of taxpayer subsidies to the renewable energy sector? Would the usual suspects describe him as a rat or as a hero? There is no prize for the right answer. As Andrew Bolt so often reiterates, for the Left, it is side, never principle, which counts. This also explains why, when brothel-creeping union corruptocrat Craig Thomson left the Labor Party, he was able to remain in the House without adverse comment from the Left’s media cheer squad."
The post modern media have become nothing more than shills for whichever side serves their purposes of financial gain, promotional prospects or ideological perspectives. 

What is the difference between the main stream media these days and any of the myriad of internet sites and why would anyone bother paying for such opinion?

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