Thursday, 5 December 2019


Image result for bALAAMS ASS
Actually the donkey in the story was perfectly correct but in the service of catchy headlines the current form speaks louder.....sorry!

It is passing strange that the Democrat mascot is that of a donkey; why?
 Because a donkey (or Ass) features strongly in the biblical story of a political power trying to get something over on an opponent and in the process delivering a significant benefit to said opponent.
Just like the Democrats and Trump...every attempt they make to undue him (curse) makes him stronger (blessing). Read Numbers 22 to 24 in the's rather amusing actually.

Friday, 1 November 2019


Its hard to keep up with global warming propaganda.....

"Shields fully admits that these photos are meant to not necessarily depict truth, but rather to show The Guardian readers imagery that they will “respond” to in the way that the climate lobby wants them to respond.
“Images that show emotion and pictures of real situations make the story relevant to the individual,” Shields explains."

Thursday, 3 October 2019


I have ended up quoting from this essay so many times that I thought the best thing to do would be post it in it's entirety...enjoy:

Friday, 20 September 2019


I confess that there are moments when I despair at the gullibility, stupidity and naivety of fools who claim to be smart yet who jump onto bandwagons that have so many flaws as to be almost a comedy routine. Larry, Curly and Moe would have rejected the climate change scenario as; a fantasy unable to be convincing were it pitched to them.

There are reams of emails stating the writers intent to deceive (Climategate!) masses of conflicting data/evidence, many false claims (consider the recent hockey stick fandangle) and copious failed predictions
so much so in fact that anyone with a mere soupçon of logical intellect should at least take a pause. But NO the bandwagon(taxpayer trough) rolls on, now using children as their pawns.

Children are easily indoctrinated/manipulated/bullied/terrified into positions they have no foreknowledge of or desire to be partnered with. Consider the African warlords who kidnap and use them as child soldiers...the same instinct holds for the new 'climate soldiers' I believe.

Greta Thunberg is a confused child on the disability should be considered a crime to frighten her half to death and then use that fear to stoke more fear into the gullible public. The fact is that too many 'educators' (and I use that word advisedly) have indoctrinated their charges in order to send them into the streets to protest against...the life giving force behind nature????
The whole scheme delivers a double whammy because while gaining naive foot soldiers they are also preventing these same children from achieving a critical education...all in a single move, often inveigling parental complicity at the same time...It is demonically clever.

How did this extreme narcissism of believing that we humans are capable of altering the climate come about? I think it is happening because post modernist relativism and the deconstruction of language, morals and healthy skepticism has worked its poison into the minds and hearts of the populace.  

Actually, I don't believe the instigators behind this false religion believe in it at all, any more than Hubbard believed in his 'science' based religion. I think Vaclav Klaus nailed it in his speech at the Global Warming Policy Foundation in October 2010 when he said:
The current debate is a public policy debate with enormous implications. It is no longer about climate. It is about the government, the politicians, their scribes and the lobbyists who want to get more decision making and power for themselves. It seems to me that the widespread acceptance of the global warming dogma has become one of the main, most costly and most undemocratic public policy mistakes in generations. The previous one was communism.
This whole scheme is nothing more than a scam organised to redistribute wealth and the balance of power so that a neo-feudalist few can 'run the globe' ...and if you think I am hyperventilating then research Agenda 21.

Monday, 9 September 2019


Ruminating on our current cultural dilemmas and the ever expanding battlefields upon which conservatives are engaging with the cultural totalitarians and thinking of course about the gauntlet recently thrown down by the 'deep state political establishment' in Britain, I reservedly agree with Melanie Phillips sentiment in this passage from her book 'The World Turned Upside Down:
Morality is privatized so that everyone becomes his or her own moral authority, while the laws and traditions rooted in Christianity and the Hebrew Bible have come under explicit attack. The old order of Western civilization, resting on the external authorities of religion and culture, has to be destroyed. With no order or purpose in the world, moral and cultural relativism are the rule; any attempt to prioritize any culture or lifestyle over any other is illegitimate.
The paradox—and it is acute—is that this relativist doctrine itself assumes the form of a dogmatic moralizing agenda that takes an absolutist position against all who challenge it and seeks to stamp out all deviations. Medieval Christianity—like contemporary Islamism—stamped out dissent by killing or conversion; Western liberals do it by social and professional ostracism and legal discrimination. It is a kind of secular Inquisition. And the grand inquisitors are to be found within the intelligentsia—in the universities, the media, the law, the political and professional classes—who not only have systematically undermined the foundations of Western society but are heavily engaged in attempting to suppress any challenge or protest.
It is paradoxical but not surprising that the assault on intellectual liberty is taking place within the institutions of reason.
Why reservedly you may ask? Because I, as both a practicing Christian and a student/teacher of history (Art, World & Christian) would argue that the ancient Christianity of the disciples, early apologists and Martyrs had been significantly hijacked by a rigidly religious hierarchy by the late medieval period; a hierarchy that was just as opposed towards true Christianity as many of the secular ideologies are today judging by the oppression and persecution of believers that eventually resulted in the Reformation and the persecution of Protestants throughout the European continent.

Wednesday, 21 August 2019


Whenever a tragedy in America arises regarding gun violence the first thing the Democrats and their propaganda arm(main stream media) do is to blame Trump, deplorables and guns, usually in that order. 
In Australia we intone 'thank goodness for John Howard' forgetting of course that the entire Australian population numbers less than California...but that's an issue for another time.

The automatic default position of the Global/left/elite(GLE) is to project responsibility on everyone else without even considering the possibility that the worldview they have been pushing for decades might have some part to play.

The obvious question then is; what might be the philosophy that the GLE in America and the West are pushing?

J H Kunstler, social commentator and cultural sage offers some opinions on the matter:
"This is exactly what you get in a culture where anything goes and nothing matters. Extract all the meaning and purpose from being here on earth, and erase as many boundaries as you can from custom and behavior, and watch what happens, especially among young men trained on video slaughter games."
He's right. Young men are the problem. Many of our boys are living in what Kunstler describes as an "abyss of missing social relations" with "no communities, no fathers, no mentors, no initiations into personal responsibility, no daily organizing principles, no instruction in useful trades, no productive activities, no opportunities for love and affection, and no way out."
Our leaders are too cowardly to say so, but the signs are everywhere. Mass shootings are just the final manifestation. Suicide rates for young Americans are the highest ever measured. So are drug-related deaths. Fifteen percent of millennials still live with their parents. Fifty years ago, more than 80% of American adults ages 25 to 34 were already married and living with a spouse. Today, less than half of adults in that age range are married. A huge portion of American young people isn't in any kind of relationship at all. It's no wonder millions of young people feel helpless, miserable and alone. They lack friends or parents or religious organizations to give their lives purpose and moral coherence. They live in a suffocating culture they feel no control over: Local identity and local institutions are the weakest they've ever been in this country.
Most people think our democracy is fake. The policies they live under, the jobs they hold and even their personal opinions are controlled by tech monopolists, media scolds and Washington bureaucrats. America is supposed to be a free country, but millions of young people look around and feel like they're trapped in a stagnant dystopia. In such an environment, a few people will lash out in violence. Millions of others will simply fade away, from suicide or overdose or diabetes. This is the real crisis, the one that produced those horrifying scenes on TV over the weekend. Washington is happy to pretend it isn't happening. But it is. You can't ignore it forever.[Carlson/Patel]
Unfortunately anybody with half a brain and a social antenna attuned to real news as opposed to fake news has been able to observe this phenomena developing for a long time. What can we do?

I believe people are beginning to wake up. The populist leaders emerging around the world in America, the UK, Brazil, Greece and Australia are signifying a changing of the guard, and the GLE hate it! That is why there is the appearance of chaos (in some cases real chaos) in the Western democracies and even in some of the dictatorships of the world.

If one takes the time to dig a little deeper and look behind the scenes almost all of the turmoil is being fostered by ideologues and their foot-soldiers.

A new freedom is on the march and it behooves those of us who value freedom and the values of the West to stand up in whatever way we can.

Saturday, 10 August 2019


Conor and I watched the American Democratic Socialist Alliance conference in Florida for a laugh…it delivered. At the moment it is a small blow-up pool of miscreants, gender-confused luvvies, lazy young hipster ‘gimme your money’ snake-oil salesmen, virtue signalling doctors wives and limp wrested jazz handers all amusingly retro-actively addressing each other as ‘comrade’ and led by a gruff voiced comedic octogenarian…but…swimming in that chemical toilet are some ‘real’ Marxist Megladons, Islamic ones too, however these two savage ideologies will eventually part ways when their currently mutual agendas begin to clash….may that be sooner rather than later is my prayer.

What has been illustrated time and again throughout history is that neither of these dystopian beasts have benign intentions and for those who care to do their research the results are easy to find.

The sad truth of the matter is that as soon as those promoting the Utopian impulse are sufficiently powerful to weaken the Western culture within which they have been ‘spoiled’ the always present Morlock caste will make itself known and after that; jazz-hands be gone, alphabet heroes will swing from the tallest crane, and the easily influenced, doped out young(not so!) slacker who wants the ‘adults’ to pick up his/her/ze/cis ‘s bill, will find himself/herself/itself/zeself (ad nauseum) digging and filling holes in an outback gulag…if they’re lucky!

Morlocks vs. Eloi…guess who wins?

Friday, 9 August 2019


The Mueller hearings reminded me of the time I and some fellow believers went to a debate between Josh McDowell and Ahmad Deedat at Westridge stadium in Durban. We all prepared ourselves by promising each other not to be biased or subjective but to acknowledge that if the other 'side' presented a logical and reasonable argument that challenged our view we would accept the most rational perspective regardless of how we might feel personally.

We needn't have worried.

Deedat was so pathetic and his arguments so irrational that McDowell ceased to argue and switched to presenting a more anecdotal perspective based on personal testimony, hoping to 'convict' rather than reason with Deedat, because the man was plainly unable to do so. It was an embarrassment...satisfying for us but cringe-worthy for the hapless opponent.

By the Monday morning however, the Islamic propagation centre in Durban had copied and distributed hundreds (if not thousands) of cassette tapes of the 'debate' edited in such a way as to provide the Islamic 'scholar' Deedat with a significant win.

I knew this because my wife worked with a company whose many factory workers were 'crowing' about the 'decisive victory' achieved by Deedat.

We were astonished. For one that the propagation centre had worked so diligently to achieve what must have been a mountain of work and displaying a technological sleight-of-hand that was impressive to say the least. The other and more important expression of amazement lay in the fact that an organisation set up to propagate religious truth would stoop so low as to promote such obvious lies.

I am no longer amazed because I have learned over the intervening years that Islam's operational manual makes allowances for the propagation of  lies:
Quran (16:106) - Establishes that there are circumstances that can "compel" a Muslim to tell a lie. 
Quran (3:54) - "And they (the disbelievers) schemed, and Allah schemed (against them): and Allah is the best of schemers." The Arabic word used here for scheme (or plot) is makara, which means 'cunning,' 'guile' and 'deceit'. If Allah is supremely deceitful toward unbelievers, then there is little basis for denying that Muslims are allowed to do the same. (See also 8:30 and 10:21)
Taken collectively these verses are interpreted to mean that there are circumstances when a Muslim may be "compelled" to deceive others for a greater purpose.

Thursday, 8 August 2019


My youngest is currently reading (and loving) Great Expectations by Charles Dickens.
Dickens, being an astute observer of human behaviour and therein human nature, managed to capture the transference of zeitgeist perfectly in this novel:
"The same opportunity served me for noticing that Mr Pumblechook appeared to conduct his business by looking across the street at the saddler who appeared to transact his business by keeping his eye on the coachmaker, who appeared to get on in life by putting his hands in his pockets and contemplating the baker, who in his turn folded his arms and stared at the grocer, who stood at his door and yawned at the chemist." 
People influence people who put pressure on other people to eventually conform to the 'orthodox', or what the spirit of the times dictates...sort of an extreme form of peer pressure. 

CEOs' today are influenced by their HR departments, the main stream media, activists and the general rush to 'appearing' virtuous, and given that many are already probably feeling twinges of guilt about the obscene amounts of money that they earn for merely doing a good job (or not!) many of these conflicts are resolved by a desperate need to expiate guilt in some way or another. 

In the past it used to be in giving to the church or charity or some other worthy institution, today they feel the need to be SEEN to be 'good'...the hyper visualization of culture has led to extreme superficiality and the expiation of guilt through signalling their virtuous acts through the various forms of media.

Tuesday, 6 August 2019


Joseph Goebbels said:
“If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it. The lie can be maintained only for such time as the State can shield the people from the political, economic and/or military consequences of the lie. It thus becomes vitally important for the State to use all of its powers to repress dissent, for the truth is the mortal enemy of the lie, and thus by extension, the truth is the greatest enemy of the State.”
In today's world consider this statement from one of the leaders of the climate scare campaign:
Paul Watson of Green Peace declared: “It doesn't matter what is true, it only matters what people believe is true."
Its no wonder that Patrick Moore, one of Greenpeace's original founders, and its only environmental scientist resigned in disgust:
He quit Greenpeace in 1986 after 15 years as a co-founder, saying the organisation had become anti-science and anti-human. He now runs consultancy Ecosense Environmental as “The Sensible Environmentalist”, combating what he calls green sensationalism, misinformation, and pop-environmentalism. [Tony Thomas]
In our world, particularly in the West as exemplified by America but certainly not limited to it; the 'state' mentioned by Goebbels is what we in the West would identify as the 'Deep State'. That is; a powerful entity outside of the duly elected government whose intentions both secret and expressed are to reduce our civilization to a One World hegemony ruled by an elite, our 'betters'.

Elites who, since the Brexit referendum, the election of Trump, Morrison and Johnson are now openly expressing contempt for the 'ordinary folk' whom they term the 'deplorables', or who Jane Caro of Australia's ABC hierarchy called 'truculent turds':
Well, Australia may be f..ked and the whole planet not far behind but I am at the best, most brilliant and cool wedding I have ever been too (sic). So I shall just dance & get pissed & stick two rude fingers up to the truculent turds who voted to turn backwards.
The conflict is hotting up...scuse the pun!
The, for many decades virtually unopposed, Left-wing hierarchy who have gained control of the 'organs of meaning' in society through what one of their 'secular gods' Gramsci called "the long march through the institutions" are finally being challenged...and they hate it. 

The leading contenders in this loosely aligned movement whose manifesto is clearly outlined in the United Nations Agenda 21 document, have had the political scene in most Western democracies sewn up for decades, including most importantly the main stream media who act as their cheer squad/propaganda arm a.k.a. Pravda in the USSR:
Most people in America don't even realize that tentacles of a dangerous United Nations program are being enacted in our nation's cities and certainly our country, with the full cooperation of those in our highest positions of authority. It is so complicated and difficult to believe that many simply dismiss it, considering it just a conspiracy theory. But even a cursory investigation reveals it is very real and the evidence is easily attained.[N Thorner]
Unfortunately for them; because they have not had to argue, fight or struggle for so long to put their ideas across they have become weak, their skills have atrophied to the point where they are now unable to mount a credible argument for their beliefs. In fact they have to all intents stopped even trying, instead they employ the age-old tactic of intimidation and name calling to avoid answering uncomfortable questions and the so-called main stream media are leading the charge:
The president of the United States, Donald Trump, never said there were "fine" Nazis or Ku Klux Klansmen.
This is one of the two great lies of our time -- the other being that all Trump supporters are racists -- and perhaps in all of American history. I cannot think of a lie of such significance that was held as truth by so many Americans, by every leading politician of one of the two major political parties and disseminated by virtually the entire media.
The major news media need to understand these are important reasons that half of America considers them frauds. And we get no pleasure from this fact. The reason we don't recoil when the president labels the mainstream media "fake news" is that we know the charge is true. Has one major media news outlet yet apologized to the American people for preoccupying them for nearly two years with the lie of "Trump collusion" with Russia? Has one Democrat? Of course not. Because with regard to the Trump-Russia collusion issue, the news media were never driven by a pursuit of truth; they were driven by a pursuit of Trump." [D Prager]
We are in a titanic struggle for our civilization and our enemies are watching and waiting to see what outcome arises. Of one thing you can be certain, if the limp wristed, mealy mouthed, politically correct, non-binary Eloi win, it will not be long before they become mere meat for the sharp teeth of the watching Morlocks 

Friday, 2 August 2019


It doesn't take a Nostradamus to foresee that the Hollywood 'B' actor Meghan Markle was going to inject 'elite wokeness' into the royal family, thus triggering its slide into obscurity. Personally I could care less, but the British people are going to become very angry with miss Markle in the not-too-distant future.
"No, Meghan is criticised for being snobby, elitist, hopelessly out of touch and possessing all the self-awareness of a flea. It’s not Meghan’s skin colour that annoys people, but the fact that she thinks nothing of donning an outfit that costs more than most people in the UK earn in a year and then getting her minders to order the public not to take photos of her. The Duke and Duchess of Sussex happily spend £2.4million of taxpayers’ money on renovating their house but then keep the press away from their son’s christening. Meghan has a baby shower involving private jets to New York and then tries to be taken seriously as someone raising awareness about the importance of mental health."[Joanna Williams]
Peculiarly, though perhaps not unexpectedly the 'wokeness' that these parasitical creatures promote is directly proportional to their own 'blindness' of the affect they have on the 'normal's' who surround them, a form of cognitive dissonance associated with the death of logic and rationality as 'taught' in our 'educational institutions' (re-educational institutions).

Is this the wishful thinking on behalf of the 'Green/elite class' to return us to a pre-industrial time much like the Feudal era when the gulf between the 'lord of the manor' and his serfs was so great that they often didn't even acknowledge their existence. 

Perhaps, but unfortunately for them there is a profound difference in attitude. Nowadays we 'peasants' are not so forgiving and the doffing of the cap is swiftly being replaced by the raising of a middle finger. The deplorables are finally standing up to the fake elites all around the Western world....and there are far more of us.

Never thought I would say in jest or otherwise; Viva la revolucion! or perhaps the more apt phrasing would be; "Liberté, égalité, fraternité, ou la mort!"

Wednesday, 31 July 2019


The inestimable Roger Scruton nails the big lie spread around rather vociferously by our new main stream press corps:
It is testimony to the success of Communist propaganda that it has been able to persuade so many people that fascism and and communism are polar opposites and that there is a single scale of political ideology stretching from 'far left' to 'far right'. Thus while communism is on the far left, it is simply one further stage along a road that all intellectuals must go in order not to be contaminated by the true evil of our times, which is fascism.
It is perhaps easier for an English writer than it is for an Italian to see through that nonsense, and to perceive what it is designed to conceal: the deep structural similarity between communism and fascism, both as  a theory and as practice, and their common antagonism to parliamentary and constitutional forms of government.
Even if we accept the - highly fortuitous - identification of national Socialism and Italian Fascism, to speak of either as the true political opposite of communism is to betray the most superficial understanding of modern history. in truth there is an opposite of all the isms, and that is negotiated politics, without an 'ism' and without a goal other than the peaceful coexistence of rivals.
Communism, like Fascism, involved the attempt to create a mass popular movement and a state bound together under the rule of a single party, in which there will be total cohesion around a common goal. It involved the elimination of opposition, by whatever means, and the replacement of ordered dispute between parties by clandestine 'discussion' within the single ruling elite. It involved taking control - in the name of the 'people' - of the means of communication and education and instilling a principle of command throughout the economy.
Both movements regarded law as optional and constitutional restraints as irrelevant - for both were essentially 'revolutionary', led from above by an iron discipline.
The fact that the press are authoring their own demise makes one think that they are either extremely illiterate about history, exceptionally stupid or that they believe that they will be the 'ruling class' in the new Marxist Utopia...if history is any lesson on that front they are in for a huge awakening.

Monday, 29 July 2019


The Mueller hearings and the way the 'progressive media' is spinning the absolute disaster reminds me of the time I and some fellow believers went to a debate between Josh McDowell and Ahmad Deedat at Westridge stadium in Durban circa 1980/81. 

We prepared ourselves by promising each other to try and be as unbiased and objective as possible, and to acknowledge that if the other 'side' presented a logical and reasonable argument that challenged our view we would accept the most rational perspective regardless of how we might feel personally.

We needn't have worried.

Deedat was so incompetent and his polemic so irrational that McDowell ceased to argue and switched to presenting a more anecdotal perspective based on personal testimony, hoping to 'convict' rather than reason with Deedat, because the mans rantings were plainly incomprehensible. It was an embarrassment, satisfying for our worldview but cringe-worthy for the hapless opponent...or so we thought.

By Monday morning the Islamic propagation centre in Durban had copied and distributed hundreds (if not thousands) of cassette tapes of the 'debate' edited in such a way as to provide the Islamic 'scholar' Deedat with a significant win.

I knew this because Helenmary worked with a company whose many factory workers were 'crowing' about the 'decisive victory' achieved by Deedat. We were astonished. 

We were astonished at how diligent the propagation centre had been in working through what must have constituted a mountain of data as well as displaying a technological sleight-of-hand that was, for the time, impressive to say the least. 

But this experience also provided us with prima facie evidence of how technology in the hands of an ideologue can completely subvert truth. 

That knowledge provided me with what the brilliant social commentator Neil Postman called; a working 'crap detector'(CD) and it has been invaluable in viewing the world of news, opinions and gossip ever since. 

It is of particular efficacy in this post truth, Post Modern world where the bells and whistles of my CD are sounding loud and cacophonic (please forgive my word invention)

...or perhaps it is merely my tinnitus screaming!

Tuesday, 16 July 2019


Where have we heard that one before?

As small information sites on the internet capture more and more news cycles from the Main Stream Media (MSM) the MSM strike back.
Not with better reporting, or new deeply researched stories however, no...they strike back by 'exposing' these small operators to danger.
They threaten to expose these internet journalists with exposure of the home addresses, their family addresses their places of employment etc...why? So that the military arm of the left...ANTIFA (an ironically named product of the Orwellian imagination if ever there was one) are able to dox, threaten and abuse these small and largely defenseless outlets into submission or into hiding:
But, the rulers of legacy media think that they have a monopoly on truth. They believe they should decide who is a journalist and who is not. Citizen journalists are disdained by the legacy media from places like CNN, NBC, and MSNBC. Thus, the legacy media's response to the summit has been one of smears and ugly insults, even potentially dangerous doxxing. This is because the legacy media now understands that their influence over the American people is all but dead thanks to the internet. President Donald J. Trump's election, to colloquially put it, whacked the mainstream media upside the head. Now, they are taking vengeance on anybody who supports him.
MSM’s message is pretty clear: 'You’re thinking about making a pro-Trump meme? Think twice. Because CNN, DailyBeast, and Buzzfeed may plaster your face all over national media alongside descriptions like 'alt-right' etc.
To be clear, there are certain growing pains with this development -- fake viral news for instance. Some of the folks invited to the social media summit have actually promoted lies and falsehoods, but then again so have the traditional White House outlets represented by legacy media. Even in this case, internet transparency has increased the ability of the populace to call out viral fake news rather than depending on the mainstream media to admit their mistakes. Whatever the case and whatever the future holds, the legacy media is sending a clear message in order to cling to power-- if you partake in Drudge's dream, we will make your life a nightmare.  [Timothy Meads]

Thursday, 4 July 2019


Evan Sayets little book; The KinderGarden of Eden,(KGE)  explores the eccentricities and motivations behind the 'liberal left' that infests our modern culture. It is an enlightening and informative examination of what makes the modern left tick and as such is an invaluable resource for understanding the truly Machiavellian contortions that inform and instruct the lefts neo-Pravdian megaphone; the 'woke' media/entertainment/globalist disinformation complex.

This passage (one of many) deconstructs one of the largest lies that have been 'sown' into society by the Brobdingnagian liars of this complex:
Prior to the Modern Liberal era, the unrivaled success of Western Civilization was due to the healthy balance that was struck between the scientific and the extra-scientific, between craft and art, between the tangible and the imagination or, in my favourite locution, between Athens and Jerusalem.

This balance was not a s leftists portray it today, wherein science and the extra-scientific are mutually exclusive and wholly at odds with one another. Rather there was the recognition that both the scientific and the extra-scientific – both the cold, hard facts and the warmer human things like love, morality, decency, beauty, justice, and mercy were necessary for creating and maintaining a well functioning, happy, healthy, prosperous and progressing society.

In fact, in the Vatican – the supposed ground zero for religion’s war against science – there are, and have been, two spectacular murals of equal size and equal grandeur taking up the whole of opposing walls.

On one side are the great people and great moments from religious history, and on the other are the great people and the great moments form science. Far from Western religions ever being at war with science, they actually took great pride in how, time and again, science seemed to prove God’s majesty. [KGE, p.7]

Tuesday, 2 July 2019


Theodore Dalrymple is a senior fellow at the Manhattan Institute, a contributing editor of City Journal,  a prolific author, a retired physician and psychiatrist who, most recently, practiced in a British inner-city hospital and prison. Denis Dutton, editor of Arts & Letters Daily, called Dalrymple the “Orwell of our time.”
Theodore Dalrymple on choice, crime and the importance of punishment:

One of the explanations of ill behaviour, if you like, is a kind of mechanical one. People have certain experiences and they react to them in a certain self-destructive way, as if their behaviour was that of a billiard ball being impacted by another billiard ball… [But] agency is extremely important. You don’t deny that things are more difficult for some people than for others, but if you deny the agency of people, then you begin to treat them as objects rather than as subjects.
There’s been a very strong current in British intellectual circles that criminality is akin to an illness, and therefore it’s wrong to treat it as something that people have any control over. And of course this becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy. In England, the leniency of our criminal justice system - precisely, I think, because of our tendency to sociologise everything, to say that people are not agents… this actually promotes criminality… It’s as if criminals didn’t have thought processes like us, [as if] they’re completely different from people like us. But they’re not different from people like us, on the whole…

It’s very curious how people say that prison doesn’t work because a high proportion of prisoners when they come out commit offences again, and I don’t think I’ve ever seen anywhere in a British publication that this might indicate that actually they should be in prison for longer. Another very obvious consideration, which is completely beyond the British intellectual class, is that the number of victims of crime is very much greater than the number of perpetrators. So each perpetrator actually creates large numbers of victims, and therefore it’s not kind to people who live in areas where there’s a lot of criminality not to deal properly with the criminals. We deal with criminality as if it is a benefit received by the poor, instead of what it is, one of the great hardships of being poor.
Mr Dalrymple’s views are somewhat at odds with those found in the pages of the Guardian, where readers are told with great certainty that burglary is “really quite inconsequential,” unworthy of punishment, and that anger at being burgled and the subsequent sense of violation are somehow trivial, plebeian and unsophisticated. Such that expectations of lawfulness and justice - and not being preyed upon, repeatedly, with impunity - are airily dismissed as “idiotic attitudes.”

Monday, 1 July 2019


The radical left are always harping on about 'supporting the poor', looking after the 'underprivileged' etc ad nauseum...i.e. virtue signalling....the thing is, when you take a good, hard look at what they actually DO for the poor and underprivileged it paints a very different scenario.

Close inspection reveals that instead of making things easier, they usually hurt the very people they claim to want to help:
"As for "hurting kids," AOC is on the record opposing all proposed legislative solutions to the border crisis. She voted against each bill put forward -- and as I just mentioned, was one of just four Democrats (along with her radical pals Omar and Tlaib) to break with Pelosi on the House bill whose Senate demise she's now cynically lamenting. She has encouraged boycotts and collective action against a private company fulfilling a government contractor's order to provide more beds to children she claims to want to help. Relatedly, she'd absolutely fume and fulminate over images of those same kids sleeping on floors, having agitated against beds for them. Will she also rail against the food service providers feeding these children? After all, they're also "complicit" under her twisted rationale." [G Benson]
For Ideologues like AOC and her band of supercilious sisters, the path to power is usually over the bodies of the less fortunate; just like their 'heroes' in the Soviet Union, Cuba, China, North Korea, Cambodia, Venezuela.....need I go on?

Tuesday, 18 June 2019


Socialism: the gospel of greed.
It amuses/saddens me to listen to young and uniformed voices blame 'capitalism' for greed and moral corruption. Sure, human beings sometimes abuse the systems and structures of their society to 'game' the bias to their advantage, but thats a human trait not a systemic one.
As far as political and economic systems go Socialism is the one with inbuilt methodologies destined to produce greed, corruption, bias and slovenliness, and it has been illustrated over a century and in many different cultures.
What more evidence can you ask for?

Saturday, 15 June 2019


The attached article engendered a modicum of hope in me that there remains in some of the 'educational' faculties of the West, a few brave souls who retain their intellectual abilities and stand as impenetrable barriers to fake science.

The fact that it is a mathematics teacher in this case is reassuring and I suppose somewhat predictable in that the STEM sciences have not yet fully capitulated to the onset of toxic irrationality that appears to have gripped the majority of Western 'educators'.

An excerpt from the piece:
I often come across students and teachers who express concern over climate change and the need for humanity to do something about it. I always begin such conversations with the question, “What’s the problem?” They always, eventually, get down to the fact that it’s carbon “pollution” and how we must stop burning fossil fuels and embrace renewables in order to save the planet. Again, its the MSM spin. My next question is how much CO2 is in the atmosphere? I have yet to come across anyone at school, when asked that question, who knows that it’s a bit above 400 ppm. After informing them of this particular fact, I ask if they know how low the CO2 concentration can fall before life on earth ceases. Again, I have yet to come across anyone at school who knows that once it drops to about 180 ppm, we are in trouble.
My third question after that is this: if 400 ppm is too much and 180 ppm too little, how much CO2 is just right? Again, no one has been able to answer this, as no one on the planet knows the answer. I then try to present students (adults have usually stopped listening by that stage) with some perspective on 400 ppm. I ask them to think of a million molecules of atmosphere as a million one-dollar coins placed adjacent to each other in a square. The square would be 25 metres by 25 metres, about the size of a school’s small gymnasium. The 400 ppm of CO2, if represented by those dollar coins, would make up a square 50 cm by 50 cm. What’s more, since humanity is responsible for only about three per cent of the CO2 in the atmosphere, the human contribution to those one million coins would be 12 coins.

Friday, 14 June 2019


Steve Turner — 'If chance be the Father of all flesh, Disaster is his rainbow in the sky, And when you hear ... It is but the sound of man worshiping his maker.”...and this research on incarceration in Australia is the result of men worshiping a god of their own making:
"Over the past decade, incarceration in Australia has grown at an unsustainable rate. The incarceration rate has increased by 30 percent in that time, from 167 prisoners per 100,000 adults to 217 prisoners per 100,000 adults. Taxpayers now spend $4.4 billion on corrective services, most of which goes towards incarceration. This figure has grown by 29 percent in just the past five years. Incarceration costs on average $110,000 per prisoner per year." [A Bushnell]
A cost of 110K per year? Ridiculous!
Take away the TV's, the sprung mattresses and other perks and let the perps work off their debt to society...that will cut costs in a big way.

Tuesday, 21 May 2019


The end is nigh, the sky is about to fall on our heads, Woe is us for the apocalypse is upon us....we may have defeated Labor short term but the scaremongers and deceived among us have not been swayed in the least from their 'lets all destroy Australia for the sake of an invisible gas that is essential to life on earth as we know it.

Do not be deceived by the 97% of scientists agree baloney, that was disproved years ago as a pea and thimble trick by a student and has been used to hype the outright lie that has made many of those at the top of the pyramid very, very rich. 

I switched on my computer this morning to find another petition calling for IMMEDIATE ACTION ON THE CLIMATE EMERGENCY!
"More than 60 per cent of Australians agree with the sentiment that "Global warming is a serious and pressing problem. We should begin taking steps now even if this involves significant cost". Even those who voted for the Liberal or Nationals identify climate change as a major concern.
Now, I am deeply afraid that our government is more influenced by large polluting companies and by short term financial gain, than by the virtually unanimous advice of scientists who advise that we must act now to mitigate climate destruction.
We have been given 12 years to drastically reduce emissions, lest our world warm to the point where humans face an existential threat. We cannot wait until the next election."[Kate Ahmad]
Phuleeeezze! The old 'big capitalists trick' has worn very thin...its more like the 'big crony capitalists' who are fleecing the ordinary small business and even large business folk who provide jobs and ironically the taxes which keep these shrill chicken little's in the money they do not deserve.

Whilst I am sure that kindly Kate is truly terrified of the almost upon us catastrophe, I would question her bold claim of 60% of Australians being just as terrified as she is. Perhaps only those children who have been propagandized out of their tiny little minds...because I would have thought that this election illustrates rather clearly that furphy, but then again Climate alarmists are not known for their clear and logical thought processes:
This was a “climate change” election and Australians voted No
Even ABC commentators admit the central role of climate change and are baffled.
....and the REAL 60%:
Australians want the Adani coal mine built and running. They also aren’t willing to vote for climate change action, even in some of the wealthiest inner city seats (see Kerryn Phelps). All the badly designed polls supporting “climate action” mislead the pundits. If only they had read skeptical blogs, they’d have known that people can tick the believer box free of charge, but when it costs, climate action always ranks at the bottom, and no one wants to pay for it themselves, not even $10 a month. If people don’t even pay for carbon flight offsets or donate to environmental causes, they certainly won’t consciously vote to lose jobs and spend billions. Ultimately, even in 2019, more than half of all Australians don’t buy the UN climate scare. It was only 2017 when 60% of Australians said they were OK with dumping Paris if they could cut their electricity bills. [J Nova]
As for the '12 years before Doom' claim, haven't we all heard that before? 
Categorically YES! 
And more than once or even twice, three times, four times, five times, endless repetition. 
We have been told that the world is cooling catastrophically, that the Y2 bug would reduce the West to chaos, that the polar bears are dying, that oil will run out, that food will be in such shortage that by the late 20th Century hundred of millions of 'hunger refugees' would be swilling around the world. We were also warned that because the Pacific Islands are sinking millions of 'Climate refugees' would be washing up on our shores.

Has any of this happened? 
NO....emphatically NO......but many, many snake oil salesmen and pyramid scheme honchos have made millions, billions off the stupidity of the cultists. 

The whole scheme is nothing less (or more) than a thinly disguised plot to redistribute money into the pockets of a few elites who deserve nothing less than our contempt.

Friday, 17 May 2019


The historical re-cycling of killing babies...the hidden holocaust:
Approximately 2000 years after creation, the government of Egypt made a decree, “You can kill the babies!”. However, the midwives of the day rebelled and refused to kill these boys, undoubtably saving many lives.
Enraged, Pharaoh decreed it again, “Kill the male babies!” Multitudes of babies were thrown into the river Nile where they would most certainly have drowned or been eaten by crocodiles. However, Pharoah's daughter saved a male baby from the river, and that baby was Moses, one of the most significant figures in Israel's history. Imagine if Moses had been terminated.
Roughly 2000 years later, a different leader, King Herod, declared “You can kill the babies!”However, Mary and Joseph, warned in a dream, escaped the massacre of the innocents, and saved their son. That boy was Jesus, the Saviour of the world. Imagine if Jesus had been terminated.
Roughly 2000 years later, new leaders are making the same decrees. “Up until nine months in the womb, you can kill the babies!”
What will our response be? [CDD]

Saturday, 11 May 2019


Granted this story is from the ABC and which therefore cannot be trusted at face value, but it does indicate that the stranglehold which the left has on institutions in Australia as a result of their successful 'long march' is being shaken.

Not broken I might add, but shaken, and they are fighting back with everything in their occultist arsenal of lies, innuendo, aggression and fakery, in other words they are 'doubling down' just as they have done with Brexit, with Donald Trump and with any other 'victories' (however small) that might have occurred or might be on the verge of occurring elsewhere in the West.

They have had such a smooth ride for the past fifty years that the single misstep has been the unmasking of their intentions over the last decade. It appears as if on the accession of Obama to the secular throne they believed that the agenda 21 aims had been achieved and ultimate victory was a foregone conclusion. Consider these words spoken in 1970 and how the internet has developed: 
“The technotronic era involves the gradual appearance of a more controlled society. Such a society would be dominated by an elite, unrestrained by traditional values. Soon it will be possible to assert almost continuous surveillance over every citizen and maintain up-to-date complete files containing even the most personal information about the citizen. These files will be subject to instantaneous retrieval by the authorities. ”
― Zbigniew Brzezinski, 
Of course, as so often happens, there was an unexpected development with the 'total control'  scenario envisaged by the developers of the internet and that was that the mainstream media which had successfully been captured was now being sidestepped. Well, we can all see the battle being waged in that arena and how 'algorithms' ARE BEING DEPLOYED TO TAKE THE CONSERVATIVE VOICES OUT OF ACTION.



Tuesday, 7 May 2019


Orwell really nailed it when he cast Winston Smith as a re-writer of history in favour of Big Brother. In our age we see revisionist 'historians' constantly attempting, and unfortunately due to the surrender of the educational, media and entertainment spheres, largely succeeding in rewriting history to following in their narrow ideological footprints.

We often hear how the left scream and shout about the conservatives writing history in their own image (the victor writes the history etc!) all the while doing it on an enormous scale themselves. The USSR, East Germany, Mao's China, Cambodia etc...the list is a long one, and you have to hand it to these radicals because they did it on a grand scale. Stalin articulated the concept when he said that to kill a single man is murder, to kill a million becomes a statistic.

The big lie. The Marxists believed in it! Goebbels lived it, Saul Alinsky taught it as a strategy, and think of the story of Alger Hiss as an illustration of how America's Democrat Party deployed a weaponized version of it when they denied, denied, denied, truth even in the face of overwhelming evidence. Just as they rewrote history to put the blame for slavery onto the Republicans...Dinesh D'Souza has shown the world what a big, and continuing lie that is/has been.

Revisionist Historians from earlier centuries tried to taint the middle ages with the erroneous moniker 'Dark Ages', because of the profound and lasting affect of the Judeo-Christian worldview on the first millennium after Christ.

The period that followed has been named the 'enlightenment', a misnomer if ever there was because the ideologies that emerged during that period have plunged humankind into the bloodiest wars, the most savage uses and abuses of technology and devalued humans to the point of manufacturing a crisis in suicides, something fairly new in the history of the human race.

Many of the modernist/post-modern revisionist 'sages' have attacked the Industrial Revolution similalry:
“Paul Johnson says that the Industrial Revolution is ‘often presented as a time of horror for working men. In fact it was the age, above all, in history of matchless opportunities for penniless men with powerful brains and imaginations, and it is astonishing how quickly they came to the fore’.”
Or as another historian noted, “The nineteenth century, for the first time, introduced on a broad scale the state policies of public health and public education. The nineteenth century, by turning out cheaper goods, made possible the amazing climb of real wages in industrialised economies. The nineteenth century, by permitting the transfer of capital in large amounts, opened up the interiors of backwards countries for development and production”. [B Muehlenberg]
The attacks continue today in the form of 'Climate Change Catastropharians'. These are fools and shady characters who are making money and gaining power under the guise of 'saving the planet'.
Who wouldn't want to save this beautiful earth, but they use these natural and philanthropic urges to scare people into giving them more power, more money and allowing them to rewrite both history AND the future.

Don't let them. 

Thursday, 18 April 2019


Bernie Sanders; socialist entrepreneur (an oxymoron) wrote a book about why millionaires are nasty and unnecessary to society and made a few million from the sales of the book. Millions I might add that he does not intend to give away (his charitable donations are less than 1% in a nation that is known as the most generous in the world) any of his millions and he is proud of the fact that he made so much, in fact when asked the question he touted for further sales of his book...a very capitalistic thing to do! Cognitive dissonance writ very, very large, and yet the lemmings who follow him see no evil and hear no evil....silly monkeys.

Saturday, 13 April 2019


Many academics, having jettisoned an objective faith fill the void with many cases the climate change faith which is in fact a pantheistic faith in Gaia (Gnostic) or a belief in a Utopian future if only we can change the social/societal structures of our culture; aka Socialism/Marxism. 

Both are absolutist and have extreme consequences. 

Add Islam and LGBTQWTF to the mix and you have a somewhat chaotic zeitgeist.

Friday, 29 March 2019


Unfortunately the sort of institutionalised antagonism against the people of ones own nation now seems to be a predominant feature of our 'higher education establishments':
What about Americanophobic racism? Although there is nothing original—or perhaps because there is nothing original—about the polemics of Ward Churchill, his notorious essay “Some People Push Back: On the Justice of Roosting Chickens”, posted the day after September 11, reveals something of how radicalised Americans have come to view their own country. The vividness of Churchill’s writing and readiness to follow his anti-America creed to its logical (or illogical) conclusion is disturbingly instructive. Only an American citizen with an extraordinarily disconsolate view of his homeland could write this about the fate of 3000 murdered compatriots as the site of their horrific killing still smouldered:
If there was a better, more effective, or in fact any other way of visiting some penalty befitting their participation upon the Little Eichmanns inhabiting the sterile sanctuary of the twin towers, I’d really be interested in hearing about it.
[D MacCann] 
As with most things, what happens in America very soon happens in Australia, although in this particular instance I would say that after having read a fair bit of history about Australia, the negative perspective towards the Western origins and dare I say it; 'male, white, middle-aged Australians in particular.........Australia has pioneered in institutionalised antagonism.

However, in my humble opinion, the university's radicalisation merely adds a veneer of  (increasingly doubtful) 'respectability' to the age-old envy and desire for dominance that inhabits the left-wing of all as yet un-bowed Western nations.

Thursday, 28 March 2019


The Left are following Alinsky to the letter.
Rule 9: "The threat is usually more terrifying than the thing itself."
"....the Green New Deal is an aspirational document that says we recognize the science behind climate change unlike Trump and the Republicans and all the climate deniers who wants to stick their heads in the sand and make believe that climate change is not happening and all of the growing number of natural disasters that are taking peoples' lives and costing our cities, our businesses, our people billions of dollars."
The truly remarkable thing about the left and their lemmings who follow blindly, is that they really believe that the 'science' is on their side.
It is a faith expression for sure. 
Most of them have read little to nothing about the 'science', in my experience at least, and very few are aware of the many scandals and downright lies that have been uncovered that show beyond a shadow of doubt how much the left lie and cheat and manipulate to keep this scam going. 
Think of the Climate-gate scandal, the '97% of scientists nonsense', the 'Hockey-stick scandal', the BOM altering historical temperature readings for no reason, etc, etc...the list is very long and continues to grow.

Increasingly the science is confirming just what big a scam the whole thing is and many scientists are beginning to find the courage to stand up for the alternative science positions, even those who remain believers in 'Climate change'.
Yep. We’re back to this again: Predictions of doomsday and then…nothing. Remember the Arctic Ice Cap? It was supposed to disappear by 2013. It ended up growing by some 538,000 square miles. This is why betting on these folks’ predictions are straight trash. No, I’m not willing to bet trillions in economic output and activity on people who have been dead wrong. In the 1970s, the Earth was supposed to be undergoing a cooling period that could see periods of glaciation breakout across the Northern Hemisphere. It didn’t happen. As for the wild weather touting the pro-global warming crowd clamors about on an annual basis, yes, we’ve had some bad storms. Yet, in 2013, it was the calmest hurricane season in 30 years and the quietest Tornado season in six decades. It’s a mixed record and I’m not willing to kill the U.S. economy from people who have predicted disaster for decades only to be proven with the hard fact that we’re still here and alive. The glacier is growing everyone. That’s good news. [M Vespa]

Thursday, 21 March 2019


In spite of the ever increasing quantity of scientific data which indicates that much of the climate scare is a furphy, the powers-that-be (elite) insist on proceeding with punishing 'ordinary' citizens (deplorables) with ever increasing and excessive energy costs. 

The increasingly maniacal claims that 'renewables are cheaper' and 'the debate is over', that the 'evidence is in' and the false claim of  '97% of scientists agree' all point towards extreme propaganda tactics reminiscent of the USSR at the height of its cultural psychosis...and like then it appears to be working.

In spite of reason, logic and the massive amounts of scientific evidence that dispute if not deny these claims of catastrophe, and of our own lived experiences; the lemming-like rush towards a suicidal self-immolation of all that our culture/civilisation has achieved continues along a seemingly unstoppable arc of stupidity.

Isaiah had it so right many thousands of years ago when he observed that:... truth has stumbled in our streets, honesty cannot enter. truth is nowhere to be found, and whoever shuns evil becomes a prey.

I believe that the continuing pressure being exerted on; the poorest members of our society, the workers who suffer at the coalface (pun intended), on full employment and prosperity for all, and on our educational institutions is nothing short of a great evil, and to even more light of the accuracy of Isaiah's perspicacity we observe that those who speak out against this massive scam being perpetrated on Australia do indeed become 'prey'.

Friday, 15 March 2019


Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez [AOC] (why is it that most assassins have double barrelled names?) is doing a hatchet job on the US and trying to reinvent it into a socialist state something like those exampples of Utopia that have gone before; USSR, China, Cambodia, Cuba, Zimbabwe, Venezuela et this a good idea?
Many millennial's think so...but that is because they are an under-educated, self obsessed, narcissistic, exceptionally pampered and ill mannered generation and these are my observations afforded before I begin to criticise them...of course all generations have good and bad, but currently the bad appears to be outweighing the good and that's bad.

AOC's latest brain fart:
Finally, she settled on her most damning line of attack: America as it currently stands is "garbage," because in the United States, "if you don't have a job, you are left to die."
That's an odd critique given the long history of death associated with socialism -- some 45 million deaths under Mao, some 30 to 40 million under Stalin and some 2 million under Pol Pot, for starters. But it's an even odder critique given the fact that life expectancy has radically increased under capitalism: In 1850, the average European life expectancy was 36.3 years, while today, the average life expectancy across Europe stands at approximately 80. Furthermore, the United States currently boasts effective full employment. Our poor are in danger of dying of obesity, not starvation. And we spend, on a state and federal level, at least $1.1 trillion per year on means-tested welfare programs. By census data, that amounts to nearly $9,000 per household in the United States annually, or nearly $28,000 for every person living in poverty in the United States.[BS]
The West is in an existential war against neo-socialism and those on the right side (pun intended) had better wake up.

Thursday, 14 March 2019


When something goes wrong in society the cynic/unbeliever/agnostic's parrot; "how can you believe in a god that allows ........... to happen?"

All the while murderers escape justice, politicians enact laws to annihilate lives on a daily basis:
"Globally, there are something like 56 Million abortions every year. It is the leading cause of death worldwide.
It may be popular, accessible, socially accepted, clothed in smooth language, and justified by an entire ideology, but the human conscience cannot totally ignore something this grave." [ACL]
Celebrities denounce 'perverts' and morality in the same breath then live la vida loca themselves.
Billionaires who made their money from fossil fuels denounce the 'immorality' of money and fossil fuels.
Young men and women are raped, abducted, tortured and imprisoned illegally while 'Western' councils, local government and police forces turn away from the truth in order to not offend 'multicultural' differences.
Young women in Australia are savagely mutilated as the result of a medieval belief system and all the so-called 'Feminists' rail against are unfair salary differences that have been exposed as lies anyway.

And worst of all the main stream media ignore uncomfortable truths and instead spend their time attacking those who dare to expose the atrocities and the flood of untruths which are blinding the eyes and wrapping the souls of many in ideological concrete.

Whether you believe in him or not it appears that 'God' is the convenient whipping boy for the failures of humanity.

On the other hand, many of the architects of the above crimes (and more) are the very ones who shout from the rooftops that they are the ones whom you should elect to usher in the socialist Utopia to replace the 'capitalistic horrors' of western society.

How stupid are we?

Saturday, 9 March 2019


I thank the good Lord for warriors like the one quoted below and I echo George Orwell who pointed out that ordinary people sleep peacefully in their beds at night only because rough men stand ready to do violence on their behalf.
“I will always believe in Peace through strength. I am also glad that even the inexperienced, ignorant critics like Ocasio-Cortez have the ability and right to be critical of our countries foreign and domestic policy. It’s one of the many things that make us so great. I’m even more thankful that when it’s time to kick some ass and send our enemies to their graves that our finest still step up and say, ‘Send me!’”[Eli Crane: SEAL)


Its a dilemma...the more the rest of the world implodes as a result of socialism and radical islamification, the more people suffering under these regimes want to escape to the West.

Peculiarly the West itself is importing more and more ideological activists (adding to the home-grown 'useful idiots' intellectual class) from these failed states and adopting ameliorating influences designed to placate the 'beast'...erroneous and egregiously mistaken, because the inevitable result is that we are merely adopting more and more of the 'cultural norms' of these very dictators the innocent are fleeing from...the living examples are becoming to numerous to ignore.

Soon we will not be able to tell the trees from the woods and then where will all the 'escapees' flee to?

Friday, 1 March 2019


Beware of what you believe you want.

Post modernist activists today who operate usually without an deep understanding of what they believe, strive towards a Utopian future where everything is free and all people are 'equal' (of course history has shown us how in these 'societies' some are more equal than others [refer: Orwell's Animal Farm]). 

What we're all actually going to end up with (if history is any indicator and I believe it is) is more along the lines of Huxley's Brave New World  wrapped in the skin of Orwell's 1984 and filled with the essence of Golding's Lord of the Flies.

The 'god' of postmodernism is a brilliant madman whose entire life work focused on hatred, banality and the 'will to power':
Postmodernism of every kind owes a debt to German philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche (1844-1900). For Nietzsche, as with postmodernism in all its hues, consciousness and will are the only things of note in determining social outcomes. The only useful endeavours are those that strengthen human will. What therefore counts is not whether purported accounts are composed of lies but rather, as Nietzsche declared in The Anti-Christ, “to what end the lie is told”. [Bradley Bowden]
The will to power is what motivated Hitler and Mussolini, Mao and Stalin...why should we expect anything less?

Monday, 25 February 2019


If you are wondering why this would be so:
"Churchill told the King everything, all the secrets of the Second World War…the King presents (in his diary) Churchill’s enormous frustration and irritation with the Roosevelt administration in America for not being more bellicose, the glacial way it approached the Second World War. Because Churchill saw it as a war for civilisation and democracy of course, and that America should’ve got much more involved much earlier." - [Andrew Roberts]
Then you need to do some research on how much Roosevelt admired Mussolini:
"We can throw light on this question by examining the mutual admiration society between the FDR administration and Mussolini’s Italian fascists, and also the praise that the Nazis heaped upon FDR’s New Deal in the early 1930s. Hitler, Mussolini and FDR seem to have regarded each other as ideological kindred spirits. This is a subject hardly mentioned in progressive textbooks or progressive historiography.
In 1933, FDR responded to a journalist who asked him his view of Mussolini. “I don’t mind telling you that I am keeping in fairly close touch with that admirable Italian gentleman.” That same year FDR again gave his view of Mussolini to Breckinridge Long, US ambassador to Rome. “There seems to be no question that he is really interested in what we are doing and I am much interested and deeply impressed by what he has accomplished and by his evidenced honest purpose of restoring Italy.” [D D'souza]


"Hoaxes are a kind of false flag operation to cast as villains the victims of such attacks. They are a hallmark of Soviet communism’s strategy of psychological warfare in creating a looking-glass world where nothing is what it seems.
Israel is a prime victim of this hoax politics. The whole Palestinian narrative — cooked up originally by Yasser Arafat in cahoots with the former Soviet Union—is a false flag operation, a hoax that falsely blames its Israeli victim of appalling crimes of which it is innocent but of which the Palestinian perpetrator is itself guilty.
Hoax politics is an example of cultural totalitarianism that fries the brain and creates a climate of political, intellectual and moral chaos.
It’s why so many of us feel that the world has spun off its axis of reason altogether. And it’s why the whole anti-Israel and anti-Jew pathology that has erupted in the West is part of a broader and devastating cultural nervous breakdown."

Thursday, 21 February 2019


It is truly astonishing that people still believe what the main stream media(MSM) have to say.

I realise that we all have to believe something otherwise we would just go mad, like living in the world of crazy queens and body-less Cheshire cats, but believing the revisionist drivel that emerges from the 'pens' of most left-wing journalists these days is just plain lazy and quite frankly stupid!

The list of fake and blindly prejudiced 'news' stories that have been exposed surely should give most reasonable people room for pause...but no, it appears many still follow in the pathetic wake of the fakers-of-news or what Winston would call the Ministry of Truth.
For the most part, Winston is a typical cog in the machine. He works at the Ministry of Truth, but he has a very low-ranking position. His job is tedious and involves altering records to promote the government's version of history.  [1984; A summary by Catherine W]
Well we are currently witnessing another blunder by the press down-under; that is the 'progressive' Machiavellian's who enthusiastically promoted the (alleged) fiction of the lynching and bleaching of Jessie Smollett by two of his friends/work colleagues wearing MAGA hats (too bad they don't take the slogan seriously).

One would think that three professional actors would have made a more convincing fantasy of it given that they even evidently rehearsed it, but unfortunately no, what we have instead is the stupidity and hubris of 'celebrity' culture on full and glaringly embarrassing display.

Nonetheless 'our ABC' reported it in all its gleeful, racially charged ignominy.
Now that it is falling apart should we to expect an apology from the great wasters of our hard earned taxes?
I fear not, after all who do we think we are?
We are after all mere peasants to be moved about the board of history by the great and famous at their desire and for their benefit...nothing to see here...move along!:
Australian readers might find little unusual in this story, not least because improbable tales of Trumpian toxicity have been six-a-penny since the first days of this outsiders’ presidency. The Sydney Morning Herald‘s strangely disappeared man in North American, multiple Walkley winner Paul McGeough, provided what may well stand forevermore as the greatest example of confirmation bias since the New York Times‘ Walter Duranty informed Americans that the kulaks couldn’t be happier and reports of genocidal famine in Stalin’s USSR needed truckloads of salt. It’s worth quoting an extended slab of McGeough’s, er, reporting because almost all incidents he mentions beneath the November 19, 2016, headline ‘Make America Hate Again‘ turned out to be hoaxes. To help set the record straight, which two years later the SMH still has not done, the links inserted below lead to the real stories.
  • In California, Turkish-American student Esra Altun was attacked in a parking lot at San Jose State University by a man who wrenched off her hijab and attempted to choke her with it.
  • In New York, Fariha Nizam, a Bengali-American born and raised in the US, was berated on a city bus by an older white couple demanding that she remove her hijab.
  • In Michigan, police say a Muslim woman in Ann Arbor was reportedly made to remove her hijab by a white man who threatened to set her ablaze with a lighter.
  • In Texas, a Zambian student on her way to classes at Baylor University was called a n—-r and pushed from the footpath by a male student who told her he was “just trying to make America great again”.
  • In New York state, students hung a black doll from a noose in an elevator at Canisius College in Buffalo.
  •  At the University of Pennsylvania, black freshman students were added to GroupMe chats, in which they were invited to “daily lynchings”.
  •  At a middle school in Michigan, the white students taunted their Latino classmates with a Trump slogan – “Build a wall!” – and at a school in New Jersey, they chanted: “Ten feet higher! Ten feet higher!”
  •  In Georgia, an anonymous note was passed to a Muslim teacher saying her “headscarf isn’t allowed any more” and “hang yourself with it”.
  •  In Maryland, a banner announcing a Spanish-language service at a church in Silver Springs was defaced with the words “Trump nation whites only”.
  • In New York state, a swastika and the “Make America White Again” slogan were painted on the wall of a dugout at a softball field in Wellsville. In Indiana, “Heil Trump” and a swastika were daubed on a church.
  •  In the Pennsylvania suburbs, a woman found her car daubed with “Trump rules!” and “Black bitch”. In North Carolina, graffiti on a Durham wall read, “Black lives don’t matter and neither does your vote”.
  •  In those cases where no arrests were made, initial claims remain blanketed with clouds of darkest doubt. For those interested, scores of similar hoaxes perpetrated by their alleged victims are listed here. (

Monday, 18 February 2019


How peculiar that this excerpt is from an 'atheist website' seems that truth is emerging not from the 'official church' these days but from sources seemingly opposed to it, but nevertheless full of that once powerful cultural quality we called 'common sense'.
The excerpt is from an article bemoaning the current left-wing push for infanticide:
"It really makes you wonder how people could be this cynical. And getting back to Breitbart's maxim: What kind of culture could produce this? I think the best description is that it is one that sees people as things; mere objects to be exploited by the rich and powerful. It's a culture of commodification of humanity.
And as with so many aspects of culture, it seems to have religious roots. In this case it obviously didn't come from Christianity, since that faith affirms the dignity of the individual person, and many Christians are zealously pro-life. Babylonian Moloch-worship seems to be the ultimate historical force behind this culture.
It's totally bizarre but nonetheless true that many rich and powerful people in the West have been secret members of this and similar anti-Christian religions, cults and secret societies. This has gone on quietly in the shadows for centuries, and now more and more people are waking up to the fact that many of the so-called "great and the good" in Washington in particular got there through allegiance to one or more of these shadowy groups." [M Hayden]
Just two or three days ago some friends and I were discussing trends in Western society.
It appears that having successfully devalued the benefits of the Judeo-Christian worldview in the Western nations people are nevertheless still looking for some expressions of 'spirituality', albeit one that does not make too many demands on the 'believer' and preferably bestows some credibility to boot...for example many of the cultist adoptions by the virtue signalling super rich 'celebrities' feeling guilty about having so much.

The 17th C philosopher/mathematician Blaise Pascal referred to it as the 'God shaped vacuum' in peoples lives.

Anyway, it appears that the philosophies now emerging with second and third generation unbelievers are echoes of ancient belief systems, hence the above excerpt.
I see it in the 'burning man' and 'dark Mofo' 'festivals in America and Australia amongst many other emerging 'cultural events'.

Welcome to irrationality and superstition on steroids.

Wednesday, 13 February 2019


Last night we attended a meeting at church and at the end a lady stood up to ask for prayer for her brother. He is a coffee farmer in Zimbabwe with a productive plantation and has been there for many decades providing employment and taxes through all the troubles. A day ago he was unceremoniously hauled out of bed in the early morning and thrown into jail. Why? Because the minister of agriculture wants his farm. 

When people in Australia look favourably upon Socialism it makes me mad. Its dumb and stupid.
De Tocqueville said it best...small god; big government, big God; small government.
Romans 12:9...Love must be sincere. Hate what is evil; cling to what is good. 

Hate Socialism, it is evil!

Tuesday, 12 February 2019


The world we are inhabiting is increasingly reflecting what I imagine the biblical cities of Sodom and Gomorrah would have resembled.

If one views television; any/most programs really, but of special fascination are the morally free-falling 'reality' shows...or take the time to peruse the headlines of supermarket magazines, or listen to a popular music programme on the radio and reflect on the lyrics. If you pay attention to politics and the increasingly narrow, niche policies of activist minorities which are occupying centre stage, or go to a movie or attend the theatre or a concert of some form, you might have noticed how these once ordinary activities have morphed into an open portal offering a world of vacant 'celebrity' sleaze, superficiality, degradation, lies, desperation and a suicidal meaninglessness.

Evidently 1 in 6 Americans consumes anti-depressants (possibly under-reported) and the opioid crisis (people self-medicating for health or escape purposes) is completely out of hand. The statistics in our 'lucky country' are not too different unfortunately.

The Western worldview has been so hollowed out by unceasing attacks on its Judeo-Christian foundations that most citizens now appear to sleep walk through a life that lacks any reason for existence. This is then exacerbated by the relentless assertion that humans are nothing more than an accidental collision of atomic emissions emerging from the primordial swamp.

Who can blame the average person for feeling a little depressed?

The net result is a culture where people become obsessed with money/power/fame (Nietzsche) or radical hedonists (Epicureanism*) or they become existential nihilists# or they just give up; hence the shocking statistics regarding suicides, especially amongst young people.

All of these fixations increase the likelihood that people are going to grasp onto some weird and fantastical beliefs in order to give their lives meaning, to fill what the 16th Century philosopher Blaise Pascal termed the 'God shaped vacuum'.

Take for example the climate change cult and its underlying ideology; the many times tried and failed Marxist philosophy which is taking root in far too many Western societies.

What is that cliche about the definition of madness being doing the same thing time and again and expecting a different result each time?
How many times must Marxism be tried and fail with its concomitant devastating consequences before people believe?
The new star of the (increasingly radical) Democratic Party, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (left) attends a symposium on 21 January where she is asked if it is moral to have “a world that allows for billionaires.” She replies it is not, adding that “a system that allows billionaires to exist when there are parts of Alabama where people are still getting ringworm because they don’t have access to public health is wrong.” By the way, before I look at the morality of having billionaires, ringworm is a common fungal infection that can strike anyone and is easily treated with antifungal creams obtainable inexpensively from any local pharmacy. The clunky machinery of public health is not required.
In the blink of an eye Ms Ocasio-Cortez has become sufficiently celebrated to be referred to as “AOC”; like, say, FDR, LBJ or JFK. Fortunately for America she is only twenty-nine years old and therefore can’t run for the presidency. A recent poll found that 74% of Democrats would consider voting for her were she to run. The rational mind boggles. [Peter Smith]
Truly Democratic societies often achieve the sum total of what its citizens say they want...the problem is that when, like these days, their desires are not deeply considered or reasoned through it ends up with them(the people) not wanting what they get, and in the case of Marxist ideology it will be too late because revolutionary theory is summed up thus; one vote once!

* Epicureanism is a system of philosophy based upon the teachings of the ancient Greek philosopher Epicurus, founded around 307 BC. Epicurus was an atomic materialist, following in the steps of Democritus. His materialism led him to a general attack on divine intervention and led to a lifestyle wedded to luxury or indulgence in sensual pleasures.
Nihilism is the philosophical viewpoint that suggests the denial or lack of belief towards the reputedly meaningful aspects of life. Most commonly, nihilism is presented in the form of existential nihilism, which argues that life is without objective meaning, purpose, or intrinsic value.

Saturday, 9 February 2019


Real 'toxic whiteness'


Ocasio-Cortez, the American high Priestess of hard left quackery displays her 'smarts'(sarc) once more:
"It (she) called for a complete transition away from fossil fuels…within a decade, upgrading all buildings in the country, and the slaughter of all cows because their farts produce methane. No, I’m not kidding. Oh, and “economic security for all who are unable or unwilling to work.”[M Vespa]
How on earth do these morons get into public office...Oh Yes! the moronic public vote them in. Birdbrains of a feather stick together no doubt.

Please will you the voter undertake a little research BEFORE you vote. 
Voting in a free democracy has been a responsibility hard won and over the dead bodies of many good and faithful people...use it with respect PLEASE!
On Thursday Ms. Ocasio-Cortez unveiled her vaunted Green New Deal, complete with the details of how Democrats plan to reach climate nirvana in a mere 10 years. It came in the form of a resolution, sponsored in the Senate by Massachusetts’ Edward Markey, on which AOC is determined to force a full House vote. That means every Democrat in Washington will get to go on the record in favor of abolishing air travel, outlawing steaks, forcing all American homeowners to retrofit their houses, putting every miner, oil rigger, livestock rancher and gas-station attendant out of a job, and spending trillions and trillions more tax money. Oh, also for government-run health care, which is somehow a prerequisite for a clean economy.
Where have we heard of this Utopian dream before I wonder?

Oh yes; USSR, China, Cambodia, North Korea (still in the grip), Cuba (ditto), Venezuela, Zimbabwe...need I go on?

Thursday, 7 February 2019

Tuesday, 5 February 2019


The line that runs through each human heart is both horrible and holy making us capable of either good or evil and our choices determine the ultimate destination of heaven or hell.


I have an interesting idea for making oodles of cash out of the least admirable loons in American society.

Bullying those you aren’t afraid of has recently been renamed Punching Up.

How about putting a couple of  equally despicable whack-job ideologies in a cage together?

Imagine setting the Westboro Baptist's best mauler against a Black Hebrew Israelite's thug?

Ticket sales would go through the roof.

Sunday, 3 February 2019


In this old (2005) article in England's Guardian Newspaper, an antiquated holdout to Neo-Marxist propaganda, it should not surprise us to read of how 'evil' the Christian story is. The writer is of course criticising the Narnia story recently realised in a new movie.

Marxists in every country unfortunate enough to have embraced their life ending ideology, have made it their life's work to stamp out the God they say doesn't exist:
Of all the elements of Christianity, the most repugnant is the notion of the Christ who took our sins upon himself and sacrificed his body in agony to save our souls. Did we ask him to? Poor child Edmund, to blame for everything, must bear the full weight of a guilt only Christians know how to inflict, with a twisted knife to the heart. Every one of those thorns, the nuns used to tell my mother, is hammered into Jesus's holy head every day that you don't eat your greens or say your prayers when you are told. So the resurrected Aslan gives Edmund a long, life-changing talking-to high up on the rocks out of our earshot. When the poor boy comes back down with the sacred lion's breath upon him he is transformed unrecognisably into a Stepford brother, well and truly purged.
Tolkien hated Narnia: the two dons may have shared the same love of unquestioning feudal power, with worlds of obedient plebs and inferior folk eager to bend at the knee to any passing superior white persons - even children; both their fantasy worlds and their Christianity assumes that rigid hierarchy of power - lord of lords, king of kings, prince of peace to be worshipped and adored. But Tolkien disliked Lewis's bully-pulpit.
Over the years, others have had uneasy doubts about the Narnian brand of Christianity. Christ should surely be no lion (let alone with the orotund voice of Liam Neeson). He was the lamb, representing the meek of the earth, weak, poor and refusing to fight. Philip Pullman - he of the marvellously secular trilogy His Dark Materials - has called Narnia "one of the most ugly, poisonous things I have ever read".
Why? Because here in Narnia is the perfect Republican, muscular Christianity for America - that warped, distorted neo-fascist strain that thinks might is proof of right. I once heard the famous preacher Norman Vincent Peale in New York expound a sermon that reassured his wealthy congregation that they were made rich by God because they deserved it. The godly will reap earthly reward because God is on the side of the strong. This appears to be CS Lewis's view, too. In the battle at the end of the film, visually a great epic treat, the child crusaders are crowned kings and queens for no particular reason. Intellectually, the poor do not inherit Lewis's earth. [Poly Toynbee]
The perspective reflected here perfectly captures Paul's admonishion to the new believers in 1 Corinthians 1:18>30.

Tuesday, 29 January 2019


A perceptive peroration by Max Hyams about the 'Covington affair':
The unfortunate fate that the boys encountered and the Orwellian dishonesty and public Two Minutes Hate that followed hew to a broader and increasingly familiar trend of exacting revenge on historically privileged groups for the secularized original sin imputed to their unalterable characteristics, without regard for truth, consequences, or even simple human decency. Whether it be the paucity of evidence corroborating the Kavanaugh allegations or the miscarriages of justice handed down by Title IX kangaroo courts, vindictive tribalism is being allowed to determine individual and institutional actions. Regardless of one’s political orientation, we will all suffer if this vengeful distortion of reality is allowed to get any further out of hand. A course correction that returns to a sober assessment of the facts before rushing to judgment is long overdue.
In short, our new world order is blindly racist, anti-science and tribalist in the worst sense of the word yet adheres to a self-belief that such a position exemplifies tolerance, love and peaceful cohabitation.

Go figure!