Monday 5 September 2011

Art Souls!

I  have on occasion blogged about my appreciation of Matt Haydens blog:

I am going to quote from his latest blog here, but before I do that I would like to preface it with a warning to sensitive readers that a small degree of bad language ensues.
If you are easily offended then please do not read on.
The blog is about a recent Q&A session on the ABC, and may I begin by stating my recognition of Matt's admirable self-restraint in being able to sit through a whole program without pulling an 'Elvis' on the TV set.

The quote I reproduce is from the end of his blog and features the 'musings' (pun intended) of Poet Omar Musa. An opinion that like so many left-wing luvvies is so blatantly hypocritical that it reinforces my assumption that these people are either completely without understanding about the very notion of hypocrisy or are just unbelievably blinkered to it when issued from their own mouths, perhaps a sort of 'hysterical blindness'?:
I admire Musa's commitment to such noble principles. But strangely he calls Abbott a pugilistic shape shifting wing nut-knob head without trial.

Omar, you've forgotten his right to a presumption of innocence! That's a basic human right, remember. You can't deny him that, can you? As Tony Abbott might himself say, "I am not a pugilistic shape shifting wing nut-knob head. I am a human being!"

But nup. Omar thinks he's guilty as charged. And in a strange parallel with the Thomson affair, Abbott's perceived attitudes to prostitution inform this belief:

OMAR MUSA: Yeah, probably. I mean but, then again, this is a guy, it came out today, who said that he would be willing to sell his arse, you know, to get the support of the independents.

Omar was obviously trying to provoke conservatives here. But I fear he may have offended some of his fellow Greens voters as well. Surely it's a basic human right to sell your arse, isn't it? Clearly, it would be deeply homophobic and puritanical to say otherwise.

Intriguingly, he follows up with this:

OMAR MUSA: Yeah, but he'd even consider - I mean, that implies that he'd be willing to sell his soul as well.

Eh? He thinks people's souls are located in their arses.

Well, he certainly has a very creative mind. His poems must be wonderful.
If I may end with the observation that this rather imaginative passage reminds me of a description one could apply to so many 'intellectuals' and 'artists' I have met as well...arsesouls! 

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