Monday 5 September 2011

When Red becomes Green.

This is the real issue facing us:
The global warming alarmists are not interested in our adaptation because they don’t want to let us voluntarily adapt. They want to change us, to change our behaviour, our way of life, our values and preferences, they want to restrict our freedom because they themselves believe they know what is good for us. They are not interested in climate. They misuse the climate in their goal to restrict our freedom. What is endangered is freedom; the climate is okay.
The whole issue of 'Global Warming' is one of control, of course it is control of the elite over the bourgeoisie and for 'their own good', we know this, because it has happened before and we, the 'bourgeoisie' have been called stupid, ignorant and naive long enough to recognise our 'betters' when we hear them...don't we? Consider one of the prime movers behind the whole debate (debacle?), Al Gore. What was it that he failed so spectacularly in before he became poster boy for AGW? Let us just thank someone on high that he didn't succeed in his lust for power because it is hard to imagine what he might have done with the (then) American superpower at his control.
More on the reality of the agenda:
The environmentalists have been arguing for decades that we should reduce our consumption of fossil fuels—but for another reason. They naively warned against the exhaustion of natural resources, which proved to be total nonsense. They talked about the population bomb. They talked about imminent mass poverty and the inevitable starving of billions of people. The same people—shamelessly and unhumbly—talk about dangerous global warming now. They don’t care about resources, poverty or pollution—they hate us, the humans, they consider us selfish and sinful creatures who must be controlled by them. I used to live in a similar world—called communism—and I know that it led to the worst environmental damage the world has ever experienced. 
The Global Warming Doctrine is an ideology, if not a religion, which lives more or less independently of the science of climatology. Climate and temperature are used or more often misused in an ideological conflict about human society.
Furtherance of the argument, i.e. the old anti-capitalist Red masquerading in the new Green:
It seems that it is not any old consumption that upsets the Greens.  It is mass consumption.  The Green foodies don’t mind expensive organic free-range food, or hand-made cashmere sweaters, or costly Italian floor tiles.  They don’t rail against posh cheese shops or vintners.  The problem is not fine-art auction houses or Persian-rug sellers. The problem is mass production and consumption.  Greens John Cavanagh and Jerry Mander deplore the vulgar bargain hunter for whom, ‘everyday low prices are the ultimate human conquest.’  The Green group Earth First went so far as to organise a ‘puke in’ in a shopping mall.
It is not exclusive, expensive delicatessens, but rather the wicked low-cost supermarkets frequented by everyday folk which they find repellent.  It is a commonly heard complaint from Greens that things ‘aren’t expensive enough’.  The ‘rebels’ down from Eton for the anti-globalisation rallies threw bricks through windows – but not the windows of high-class restaurants.  Instead they smashed up and ransacked a working class MacDonalds when they marched down Piccadilly.  It is not the luxurious Heals furniture shop that makes them angry, but the proletarian IKEA, with its affordable sofas and lamps.
The mass production and distribution of food is deplorable to them.  In fact the mass production of goods, whatever they may be, renders those goods nasty and soulless.  The mass production of houses, the mass consumption of culture … everything to do with the masses, it seems, every form of economic activity that benefits the many-headed, is held to be vulgar and an offence against the natural order.

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