Monday 12 September 2011

Aware the times!

Remember what I said about Jewish folk being the 'mine canaries' of a cultures spiritual toxins?
Melanie Phillips' latest blog outlines disturbing trends in England:
What is happening to us? they murmur. It's unbelievable, astonishing, terrifying. The bias, the hatred, the lies. Where is it all going to end? And an increasing number say there's no longer any future for us Jews in Britain.
Almost every few days brings fresh examples of the Israel Derangement Syndrome that so disturbs and frightens them. Last week, anti-Israel hooligans disrupted a Promenade concert 'where the Israel Philharmonic was playing, causing the BBC to abort its live broadcast.
Last month, a St Andrews University student was convicted of racially abusing a Jewish postgraduate student over his support of Israel. And week in, week out, Israelis are blamed for defending themselves against mass murder.
By now, it must be obvious to all but the most supine or hostile to Israel within the UK Jewish community that what is happening is an evil uniquely targeted at the Jewish people. For the demonisation of Israel is of a nature and type extended to no other country. While atrocities by tyrannies and rogue states provoke almost total indifference, Israel is treated as in a class apart: apparently the very worst country in the entire world, a kind of global blight which has to be expunged altogether from civilised society if not from the face of the earth.
When she poses the question of how is it possible for a Tory government to be in such an Israeli hating position...her answer carries with it a powerful symptom of political dis-ease currently being played out in many (if not all) Western cultures:
Why? Because the callow and opportunistic Cameroons are blank slates upon which can be written the fashionable bigotry and historical illiteracy of our times.
This is the fundamental problem of the West. Gramscian thinking since the 1960's, and culminating with the advent of radical Post-modern relativism, has so white-anted the philosophical underpinnings of Western culture (i.e. the Judeo-Christian value system) that the ethical chaos which has resulted has given form to a gneration of politicians who lack fully articulated value systems; blank slates (the tabular rasa, ironically an Aristotelian concept built upon by 12th Century Islamic scholar Ibn Tufail) on whom any powerful force, usually driven by popularity polls, exerts the greatest force. In essence our political leaders are driven hither and thither by the 'winds of change' irrespective of whether said breezes are fair or foul. That is until an immovable force enters the equation and thus begins the new age!

UPDATE: Consider what Piers Akerman says in his current blog about this white-anting:
Today, Western nations which responded so magnificently and heroically to earlier threats against their culture and values are being eroded from within as much, or more, than they are attacked from without.
The Western nations have permitted their values to be diminished through the acceptance of a hard left-wing culture masquerading as environmentalism, as pacifism, as progressivism, and being taught from infancy to our children through the media and through our schools.
Or Paul Sheehan in (among all things!) the Age:
A disconnect has grown between the will of the people and the legal activists who successfully circumvent democracy by waging ''lawfare'' - the practice of using the courts to achieve policies rejected at the ballot box.
Ideological lawfare is now clogging the entire legal system in the name of refugee rights. The people enmeshed in this campaign against Parliament range from the Chief Justice of the High Court, Robert French, to the ideologues toiling in the lower courts and refugee tribunals.

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