Wednesday 7 September 2011

A new social order.

Labor with the help of its 'deep green' cohort is busily de-constructing Australian society. A subtle anarchism is white-anting our foundations in favour of a bleak 'new vision': "WE will remake how we experience what it is to be Australian." (Gillard. June 17, 2011)

A fundamental foundation being targeted is the Judeo-Christian worldview which underpins the very structure of Australian Society: "The Reverend Fred Nile said the deletion [of BC & AD in favour of BP] was an 'absolute disgrace...the direction of the national curriculum is towards almost a Christian cleansing to remove from our history any references to the role Christianity had in the formation of Australia and still has today." (Sept. 1, 2011)
Why? To ostensibly make way for a more enlightened Utopia with fundamentals such as: Fraternity, Equality and Liberty!

Where have I heard that before? The truism that revolutions always end up in the same place is playing itself out. These new 'Jacobins' use different methods and words such as: reconciliation and multiculturalism, but they mean Fraternity. They seek 'Equalite' by redistribution through taxes and the demolition of 'cultural hierarchies'(truth) and their version of 'Freedom' borders on anarchy as the rule of law is diluted and trashed with every new 'judgement' by the elites ruling our courts.

How do they disseminate their radical agenda? Through the willing pens/keyboards of the many useful idiots of the fourth estate, plus the philosophical theoreticians safely ensconced in their ivory towers and the 'new class' elites of the public 'service'. These are the people who hate this culture. They parrot ad nauseum the lies which cast Australia as an irredeemably wicked culture committed to racism, intolerance, rampant consumerism and even genocide, never quite reconciling how their own so-called 'enlightened' policies are exacerbating (even causing)the very things they accuse ordinary Australians of.

And woe betide anyone who dares challenge their hypocrisy for to do so is not to be chastised for being merely wrong, but to those who dare question these directions the attack is vicious, unrelenting and dangerous. Consider Kathy Jackson's fate when she dared to question union corruption...even as a union head herself. Consider my previous blog re the cover up that is under way even now. Disagreement is viewed as immoral, in denial,a racist, homophobic, or horror of horrors; Islamaphobic! 

Regarding this final slur (excuse the pun) consider well the current climate of building anti-Semitism. The Jewish population of a country is often like a mine canary; that is, attitudes towards them are frequently the most effective and truthful state of a cultures 'invisible toxins'.

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