and you will see how 'human rights law' has emasculated our culture. Most of the anti-western cultures couldn't give a toss about the 'rules' a bunch of limp-wristed, neo-Marxist, ex-lawyers cobbled together in order to undermine the rule of law and ultimately to establish themselves as a world ruling oligarchy. (Conspiracy theorists applaud loudly!!!)
I would like to see the current 'civilized world' adopting the old-world civilizational methods of Julius Caesar and stamp out these vermin who used to be viewed as a common pestilence.
I need to express my non-politically correct views as quickly as possible before Stephen Conroy's 'commission of enquiry' outlaws any alternative (to the allowed perspective) views from all and sundry media outlets including the WWW blogs.
Welcome to the new world order according to the Green/Labor marriage!

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