Wednesday 14 September 2011


Read this article by Paul Kelly and you will understand what Churchill means in the above quote.

The so-called 'intellectuals' of this Post-Post-Modern (PPM) age have done such a disservice to scholarship that I fear for a revival of interest and respect for intelligent curiosity. Truth has been trashed to the point where many, perhaps even most, people in the West question its existence. This uncomfortable position bodes ill for the sciences as well as the humanities and even worse for law and order.

It has been well said that the law works only as an adjunct to an inner correcting attitude and can never effectively replace or corral the baser compulsions of mankind. Without that inner 'policeman' (conscience) the most the law can do is to create an illusion of order and, as time goes by and attitudes coarsen (as they do in the absence of restraints), the 'law' must become harsher and harsher in order to maintain the same 'illusion'. What history illustrates is that when this absence of 'conscience'(i.e. a 'fear' of God)  reaches its nadir, the only way to contain the resultant chaos is through brute force and extreme restrictions. History also shows us that repressive measures only work for a time, and in the current PPM period that time is becoming shorter and shorter as new technology gives opportunity for discontentment to spread. One only has to view the worlds current political hot spots to see how technology aids the rebellious and how chaos feeds on itself. Pain and destruction are the bedfellows of the revolutionary!

What we in Australia are witnessing with the Green/Labor coalition is an increasing paranoia about being cast as the 'bad guys' when they possibly really do believe (benefit of the doubt!) that what they are doing is the right thing. Unfortunately their responses betray their incompetency as well as their ideology.
  • They blame others for their ineptitude...Tony Abbott is the bogeyman  in everything!
  • They blame 'outside' forces i.e. the global financial meltdown, Murdoch press, etc,etc,
  • They attack the 'other' ad hominem rather than the arguments themselves; they appeal to a moral high ground whilst often occupying an opposite position themselves all the while ignoring their obvious hypocrisy.Witness the views of Gillard Govt. defender and 'prime time intellectual' Robert Manne and his pomposity in the above mentioned article.
  • They seek to contain the 'others' legislating morality, by restricting what the 'other' can say about the green/Labor policies, with the latest ploy being to establish a committee whose sole purpose is to see by how much they can get away with restricting the freedom of the press. 
The heretofore hidden inner-totalitarianism of the Australian left increases proportionally to additional pressures on their policies and the amusing aspect of it all is that they have the effrontery to 'project' this destructive attitude onto the mythical 'other' as a form of deflection.

However, perhaps the worst 'sin' of this incompetent and incestuous duo, is that they hold the electorate in such poor regard that they actually believe the Australian public incapable of seeing through such deception.
I look forward with relish to the next election.

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