Thursday 8 September 2011

Masters of the Universe

Say what you like about Ann Coulter, she tells it like it is:

September 2011:  "From Tawana Brawley, Mumia and the Central Park rapists, to the Duke lacrosse players and Karl Rove, liberals are always on the wrong side of a criminal case. A few times could be a coincidence; every time is evidence of a psychological disorder."
As described in "Demonic," liberals defend the guilty and impugn the innocent not only because they side with barbarians, but because a fair and just system of law challenges their hegemony as judges of the universe.
June 2011: Liberals despise the rule of law because it interferes with their ability to rule by mob. They love to portray themselves as the weak taking on the powerful. But it is the least powerful who suffer the most once the rule of law is gone.  
Liberals' relentless attack on the judicial system is yet another example of their Jacobin lunacy in opposition to calm order. You will note that they never ask: Who did what in this case? All they want to know is which class of people are on trial. Social justice is the only justice that interests the Left because it's the only justice that can be delivered by the political agitation of a mob.
Could it be that the same 'spirit' that pervaded the French revolution, is alive and well and active in the lives and minds of  today's left leaning 'luvvies'? I must qualify this statement with a plea not to embrace the extreme 'right' side of politics either...both extremes lead to disaster and lives ruined instead of enhanced. 

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